Postagem 11–17 de 17
2 anos atrás
@Kamikaze Justice: I now see triggering multiple blocks wirelessly as a very obvious, common use case. In a conversation with @Rob12 they proposed being able to type multiple coordinates in the photon injector text box. I think that would be a pretty good solution, though it would be limited to 4 blocks. Fortunately that's exactly enough for a 2x2 door like you have.
2 anos atrás
I suggested a solution to this 21 days ago:
2 anos atrás
@obi- "KJ is never satisfied.. To help with your gap issue: just use 4 wireless injectors, one for each door block" My setup, as shown in the picture, are 2 doors, and 2 lights. The two top blocks will turn into two lights every time the 4 lower blocks turn into the 2 doors. So with your solution, I would need 6 wireless injectors. Do you actually think it's better to have 6 wireless injectors to change 6 blocks, instead of 1 injector to change 6 blocks? I'll take the 1 regular injector every time, which will change the 6 blocks, practically at the same time. So yea, I'm never satisfied with imperfection, and even less satisfied with something that is worse.
2 anos atrás
Firefly, my setup uses 6 photon blocks, as shown by the picture, not 4. Before the 2 lights and 2 doors appear, there are 6 brick blocks. I found another solution anyway. Just hide the 6 conduits with normal blocks, in front and back, and the gap closes.
Postagem 11–17 de 17