Beitrag 1–7 von 7
vor 1 Jahr
Here we go again! I've tried to find a moment to livestream this weekend, but I'm just swamped in real-life events I want to attend. Next week I'll be back though, expect me to stream on Saturday the 23rd at the usual time. I'll do my best to bring out the reindeer Christmas lantern, turn off the lights and make this a cozy stream. If you want a pet snack, post here and I'll get you one as soon as I'm reading here :D
vor 1 Jahr
@Hummm: The special event themes required a restart initially because I had to code them back in the day. Now that the code's in there it applies automatically without the need for a restart. That's the beauty of progress :-) Also, to everyone: I'm getting all your PMs, I'll reply in due time!
vor 1 Jahr
The livestream event is up on YouTube:
vor 1 Jahr
And here we go again, another stream that I'll be not able to join. 😔
Beitrag 1–7 von 7