Beitrag 1–10 von 12
vor 10 Monaten
Thank you, fellow citizens. First, I give credit to Hummm, for asking me if I'm trying to win the Monthly leaderboard, and that got me thinking about it (I was working on the 'Creatures' leaderboards at the time); I give credit to GODkinjal for the daily bits of wisdom and encouragement; I give credit to FF for inventing the "Do Not Disturb" button; and I give credit to obi for his doubt, which gave me tons of incentive to break One Million.
vor 10 Monaten
Wow GG I am at a lost for words this seems impossible but you did IT!!!
vor 10 Monaten
My encouragement and previlagelable words enhance and stabalizes ur energy l know l know u can do it Kamaikaze though l will also try to beat ur record onetime in my life in AD when l will be free from my studies.ENJOY YOUR TIME WITH GREAT ACHIEVEMENT.PROUD OF YOU:). Clap from me.
Beitrag 1–10 von 12