Beitrag 1–10 von 25
vor 7 Monaten
It would be so cool to be able to create our own pet... cat, dog, or bird. It would cost $100k in gold to create a pet because it would be that cool. We would be able to give it the attributes we want it to have. Use 100 pts to use on the attributes... strength/power, life/defense, and speed. Can use all 100 pts on one of the attributes, or spread it around. Each attribute will have a base amount of 25 pts each to start with. We can also choose the colors on our pet. IMO, this would be a definite upgrade to the system we have now, where all the pets are the same, even though they look different. Someone will say,"It can't be done", but I still say,"It would be so cool".
vor 7 Monaten
@FF... Giving our pets names would be cool, too... but not "so" cool. @Hummm... and go a step further, have the birds drop their dung on our exhausted bodies.
vor 7 Monaten
I also suggest to be name our pet. But my idea is we can ride birds for some time like 10sec or 20sec it would be cool to have the in the game.
Beitrag 1–10 von 25