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vor 7 Jahre 5x5 up to 25x25 I hope with this information some peoples build circels/balls and not cubes :)
vor 7 Jahre
These are not circles but N-Hedrons when build with cubes. and N-Gons while talking 2d It is also not sphere as sphere is defined as COMPLETELY ROUND obiect. So you are lier and your thread is cake. :^) please Build prismas,tetrahedrons,square pyramids... instead of 'le circlez' Illuminati confirmed.
vor 7 Jahre
*Triggered* I will build HUUUUGE safezone vs false shapes. Do not believe in false shapes! “You shall have no other Shapes before me. “You shall not make for yourself a carved false Shape, or any likeness of anything that is not real Shape above, or below. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Shape your REAL Shape am a jealous Shape“ I think It was in bible or somewhere...
Beitrag 1–9 von 9