Message 11–20 sur 28
3 ans plus tôt
Sixth trick to using herobattle weapon in survival: first enter herobattle, then fall into a black hole and die and get out of herobattle and choose your weapon and use that weapon, this trick may not work for anyone but for me Function
3 ans plus tôt
The seventh trick to kill players: To kill players you need a pet snack, first choose a pet snack and go with the person you want to kill and find a wolf or a cat and find that pet Prepare, then summon another pet from the snack list and get away from the creature that was your pet and that creature will go wild after a while and kill the person you want to kill!
3 ans plus tôt
I do not remember exactly how I used that weapon, but I do remember that I could have used the herobattle for a short time. There are several ways to do this trick. If the first method does not work, try the second method: enter herobattle and fall into a black hole or be killed by someone. Exit the herobattle or exit the game and use the weapon. Method 2: As far as I can remember, I was able to do this with a fighter hero, and at that time I only had a red sword. Method 3: Use another account and buy the red sword
3 ans plus tôt
The eighth glide trick in this game: Jump first and when you want to land, sit fast👽👽
Message 11–20 sur 28