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Newbie City, Part 3

dans English dans Forums

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It is done! Newbie City can now evolve to a wonderful, good place! So, what can you do in Newbie City? Meet Friends, build Houses and...more has to come. Newbie City is more of an Early Access Project than a finished one. You can do Stuff there and see what the Guy behind the Project (me) wants to do, tho He wants to create more things and when He implemented things that He wanted, the thing is finished! But you can become one of the People who helped Newbie City being that wonderful Place I want! So, come there and help me getting Newbie City done! Anyone can come from Noobs to Experts! (and don't forget the Donuts ;))))))))) )

# 2



1 an plus tôt

😐...anyone interested?

# 3



1 an plus tôt

I suspect newbies are less familiar with the forums. If you really want to recruit newbies, you need to hit Play Together often and strike up conversations. You'll need to have thick skin though, many people don't want to be bothered/interrupted.

# 4


(GM) SodaMeow

1 an plus tôt

@ BeamyDonut, Maybe a teleport outside your house is a good idea, so connected players can just jump over to Newbie city from there. If I see any new players I sure can send them over to the city to friend you...:D

# 5



1 an plus tôt

Good idea @SodaMeow! I just don't now how to make an Teleporter...

# 6



1 an plus tôt

To make a Teleporter... have the account owner of the destination claim purchase a "Holo charger" in the shop (only need to buy once) then place it on the spot you wish to TP FROM and you'll get a popup asking for the destination claim # Note: you can't give build perms on your house to others, so if you want to place a holo charger at your house, the destination must be TO a claim you own. ... but you can chain them

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