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Profile Suggestion and More! ;)

dans English dans Forums

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5 ans plus tôt

Hello, So it's been a while and I finally decided I would give a suggestion to AngelDust. I really think the profiles we look at should have a brief description/Bio. Not only this, but I think the player base would also like to have profile comment post and not only that, but allow players to post their own (Something like a sticky/Pin post) So that players can actually setup Schedules on when they will be on or let the community know what they are up to. Forums is not bad, but I think personally this could be some sort of idea in the near future. Not only that, but in-game I think if there are creatures in the game. I really think we should have some sort of baby/dragon creature at 1k-5k. Distance can be preferred by the community. Which would be a good idea for those who wouldn't mind flying around on it. Not only that, but I have a suggestion for like maybe ore blocks. Not only that, but as well as cloud blocks? I mean cloud blocks sounds fun where you sink down half way into the block so that it's like walking on clouds. Not only a cloud block you can sink into, but another cloud block that allows you to jump. It would be priced higher so that the trampoline wouldn't be forgotten. Anyways I'll be coming up with more ideas as I go along, but this is something I've had on mind for a good bit. Looking forward to seeing responses.

# 2



5 ans plus tôt

P.S. The option on the player profile comments is just an option for those who don't use discord. It would give the website more use.

# 3



5 ans plus tôt

Thanks for the ideas, I'm definitely thinking about expanding the profile/community interaction. I want to add a blog-style thing where you can post updates / messages to your profile and other players see posts by their friends aggregated in a 'feed' of sorts. I know this sounds vaguely specific and vaguely vague at the same time, but I'm trying to crystallize the idea in my head at the moment.

# 4



5 ans plus tôt

Could you please also make the friends list management better? With number of friends... 1) you are unable to see them all IG (in client), but I assume you will fix it for 3.0 2) searching and review of build permissions is uncomfortable, I would prefer a list where I can see more friends on one side (remember roadster family :P)

# 5



5 ans plus tôt

@Moniq: the friends list is practically unchanged in Angeldust v3.0, I didn't know about your troubles until now. Will add it to my to-do list. But good news: to take a break from pushing hundreds of screenshots to all app stores I toyed with cloud/smoke blocks for v3.1. Other people have also been asking for these and I think it's a nice idea. I found a nice way of making them feel bubbly and fun, so definitely coming in an update. Right now I'm thinking of a white and a medium-light-gray (think cinder blocks color) version. Any other color ideas?

# 6



5 ans plus tôt

Black smoke, gray smoke and white smoke and you have the holy trinity of smokes :)

# 7



5 ans plus tôt

How about an "animated" smoke generator? ... the block would give off smoke that drifted off and eventually faded out ... dream big!

# 8



5 ans plus tôt

@Hummm: maybe in the future. A framework for blocks that spawn particles would be fun for clouds, falling leaves and flower petals.

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