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ATTN: Photon blocks!

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5 ans plus tôt

If you missed the big reveal on the livestream yesterday, watch it here: Angeldust v3.2 will feature 'photon blocks'. A new game mechanic that makes the game world come alive! Feel free to give me feedback on the design and mechanics here (after watching the presentation). It's the first time I'm publicly showing a new feature before releasing it, because I really want to make sure it fits everyone's needs. So, don't hold back and let me know your thoughts!

# 2



5 ans plus tôt

Mechanics seem well done and easy to understand. Design: The photon block is fun and stands out, and I know thats the idea behind the texture; Would still prefer to have a 2nd choice of a more textured, lamp looking block, that only turns off and on, doesnt disapear, or play music. Which would be used more for aesthetic purpuses.

# 3



5 ans plus tôt

Hallo Firefly I know you would like to have feedback on the presented upcoming feature but I am afraid you ask too soon, it is like to rate a movie after you just saw a trailer. Ask again about a month after you release it :) In general, I can say it will be a fundamental addition to the game. I think that no one of us can imagine the real impact on the game. Especially us who didn't have it "in hands" yet. But we can dream about AD emulator made inside AD... ehm... To be specific, I really need to play with it first, from stupidities to more complex systems. I can speculate, but that would be waste of time. I have however some questions, mostly grown from little knowledge I have about the feature yet: - When I turn such machine on, how long will it run? If I come back in 30 minutes, will it be running? - Why not let NPC to activate it? I was surprised that animals ignore the Conveyor belt (but not the Trampoline block), by the way. - Do you plan to add (support for) more type of components? Lights, Trampoline, Scroll or Conveyor belt activated by a circuit... ? - Do you plan to add more circuit component skins? Pillars as photon conduit? Beam (ray) skin for smoke block? Horizontal tubes (pillars) finally? :)) - Do you plan to support additional functionalities of current blocks connected to a circuit? Steel gears block as photon block, once activated by a circuit having actually working gears animation? :) ...

# 4



5 ans plus tôt

Oh, and why not more photon injectors on one circuit? It can simply just add one more "photon" to the system until its limit... As I understood that number of photons in one circuit is limited.

# 5



5 ans plus tôt

The photons will run until the chunk is loaded, once unloaded for a certain ammount of time, they despawn. The number of photons isnt limited by circut, you just cant have more than 4 photons running per chunk. If a new one entrers the chunk, the oldest one is killed.

# 6


Kamikaze Justice

5 ans plus tôt

I understand very little about the Proton Blocks. I only know, that I like the music aspects, and I'd like to see that expanded on. Like anything, repetition is the mother of all learning.. so I'll understand it, eventually.

# 7



5 ans plus tôt

I agree with others; I'd need to mess about with it first. I think it will work well on obstacle course type things. Firefly, do you know why your door wasn't working properly? I'm pretty sure someone is going to need to set up a tutorial video on this. I'll rewatch the reveal portion of the stream again at some point here. It was alot of information coming all at once.

# 8



5 ans plus tôt

He did say the door was made in a previous version, so the rules for photon blocks were different.

# 9



5 ans plus tôt

Yo! Hmmm.. I definitely loved the block of photons, he has a very cool idea that will give a new mechanic to the game. As others have said, I can not talk much what I think about the block of photons, since I do not have it in my hands , but one of my ideas for this block is more about your looks, I liked the appearance with the star, but each player has a different plan for that block, and their appearance may not fit very well in these plans, but if you can add variable visuals to this block would be nice, just like other things in the game have a variable visual, the photon block could have too, and having these visuals in the store would be great, for example having the photon block with the star on store, and also have another photon block with the appearance of lamp in the store, and so on.. I don't know what to expect from this block, but Im very excited to put my hands on it

# 10



5 ans plus tôt

Yo! Hmmm.. I definitely loved the block of photons, he has a very cool idea that will give a new mechanic to the game. As others have said, I can not talk much what I think about the block of photons, since I do not have it in my hands , but one of my ideas for this block is more about your looks, I liked the appearance with the star, but each player has a different plan for that block, and their appearance may not fit very well in these plans, but if you can add variable visuals to this block would be nice, just like other things in the game have a variable visual, the photon block could have too, and having these visuals in the store would be great, for example having the photon block with the star on store, and also have another photon block with the appearance of lamp in the store, and so on.. I don't know what to expect from this block, but Im very excited to put my hands on it

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