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hello im new here

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5 ans plus tôt

Hello people.. i am new here and i want to ask a few questions. the first on is how to obtain the golden saddle?.. and my second question is: how can i beckome wonder buikder?

# 2



5 ans plus tôt

Hello Torstein, golden saddle is given to people who have the donator badge and above, you can find the donaton link on the website. Wonder builders are poeple who have built wonders, to become one, you must build something big, pretty and amaze Firefly(the game dev) with it. If you belive you have such a build, PM him using the website or send him an email listed on the support page. Also, the wonder builder badge is above donator, so you get the gold saddle with it. PS: Feel free to join the discord server, where you can find people who are veterans at the game and can help you with any questions you might have. Link:

# 3



5 ans plus tôt

obi's answer is completely correct—I don't even have anything to add :D

# 4



5 ans plus tôt

thank you so much for answers :) and how big should a wonder be? i mean how much sqares/claimed lands? i am working on one right now.. and thank you didnt know that wonder builder badge will give me the gold saddle... again thank you so much... time to work hard on my lands :)

# 5



5 ans plus tôt

The current wonders vary in size quite a bit. I'd say, go trough them and get a feel for it. If youre doing some very complex builds you could probably pull off an 8x8 wonder. Incase youre going for a more simple style make a few new accounts to get more than 64 claims(64 is max per account).

# 6



5 ans plus tôt

Thank you.. honestly i am building a kingdom... castle is almost finish.. now just building wals and gates, after that i will build some houses and a square with a fountain :D

# 7



5 ans plus tôt

Not trying to discourage your building plans by any means, but if your goal is to get a flying mount, the donation route is significantly faster AND cheaper... you'll spend 100's of hours to achieve Wonder status... and if you get the flying mount first it can be an asset to help you building.

# 8



5 ans plus tôt

Hummm has a good point, getting the golden saddle made my life as a builder much need for scafolding.

# 9



5 ans plus tôt

thank you :) but i will try it the hard way

# 10



5 ans plus tôt

Torstein if you want I can help you? Just I send you Friend Request.

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