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Kamikaze Justice

4 ans plus tôt

I heard, there is a change coming to the horizontal posts blocks, that can create grids. Why? Especially, after FF said, there won't be any changes to the existing blocks because it will mess up people's builds? It's something that Obi requested, and it will definitely destroy at least one of my builds. Yea... it's only one, but its' my build, and I clearly heard, there won't be any changes to the existing blocks. It was right after I made a suggestion, that some tables and chairs blocks could be changed to more desirable blocks, since FF is limited on creating more blocks, and FF said, no changes, because of existing builds. The last time this happened, I had to work for a couple of months to fix my builds... roads and buildings. This time the change isn't so bad, but it's still affecting me, again. And frankly (no pun intended), I'm about ready to blow a gasket after Obi talked to me.

# 2


Kamikaze Justice

4 ans plus tôt

Actually... most of the roads that were affected from a change to the Black Marble Block are still not fixed, because the change was extensive. I just got tired of messing with the roads.

# 3



4 ans plus tôt

I like to maximize the flexibility and possibilities of the building engine, especially low-hanging fruit like this. Being able to build multiple, stacked layers of horizontal girders seems like a good idea for pipelines, fences and boxing rings. The enhancement makes sense from multiple angles: – it's a good use-case introducing a new look to the game – there won't need to be new blocks – the old aesthetics are available mixing columns and girders I'm going to code this today to see if there are any gotcha's, but so far I think I'll be able to cover all existing grid configurations while also adding the possibility of stacking girders. Seems like win-win. The earlier I roll out this change, the less blocks are affected. @KJ: if you take screenshots or a video of all the grids you need replacing and send them to me I'll personally take care of updating them once the update is out.

# 4


Kamikaze Justice

4 ans plus tôt

Obi said, there will be changes to my building. If there aren't any, then that's fine. But, it doesn't make sense for me to build anymore, if there are systematic demolitions (like what happened to Justice, and my roads) and potshots taken on my builds because of "upgrades". Obi had already taken screenshots (or videos) while he was rubbing it in. I'm sure,you must have seen them by now. As I told Obi, I do my own work, and I'd like to do my own demolitions. This reminds me of how the federal government can take over land without the consent of the property owner. Davinci and Picasso were great artists, but it would still be wrong if Davinci signed his name on something that Picasso did.

# 5



4 ans plus tôt

KJ, I'm truly sorry that your work will be affected by a second visual change in about three and a half years time. You're a very prolific in-game builder and I appreciate your commitment and dedication to your art. That's why I want to make sure that everything remains the same afterwards, while also giving (even) more future building possibilities to you and other builders. I've coded up the change this morning and it really does open a lot of new possibilities. Players have more agency over how their builds will look now that the engine can better distinguish between different blocks. Grids will be pixel-perfectly identical to the current situation if you combine girders and columns. In all it's an addition, an expansion; not a change. My offer to replace blocks until the result is the same came without outside(r) influence. Obi shared the initial idea of stacking girders with me on the most recent livestream, but after that it's all my responsibility. Let me know (in a PM) where your affected builds are and I'll start cataloguing grids for future reference.

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