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Player Quest Ranking on Web Site

dans English dans Forums

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4 ans plus tôt

Viewing "PLAYERS" on the web site defaults to quest leaders. This is good. Competition is fun. Firefly recently reset the quest count so new players would have a chance to compete. This is also good, and fair to new players. This prevents new players from being discouraged. New players can be discouraged when they feel as though they will never be able to "catch up" with the leader board. Might I suggest .... (I know, here it comes right?) The quest leader board resets monthly. On the 1st of the month everyone gets a go at the competition. This way the new players that want in on the challenge will feel they have a shot at being top of the board for the month! righto - I know some veteran players will not like this idea... however. Might I suggest a compromise. On the leader board, your quest count is displayed like this: 11/520 This player has 11 completed quests for the month, and 520 lifetime. The default page display is sorted by the monthly quest. * Long time players will proudly be able to have their lifetime achievement quests displayed. * New players feel more involved as they can have a shot at topping the leader board each month. And, as Hummmm has pointed out, incomplete quests from the previous day (of the previous month) should not count towards the count of the current month leader board ranking. This compromise is both fair to new players as well as respectful to long time devoted players. It is in the spirit of competition, and gives everyone a chance. Finally, when sorted by coins/money/gold the current system should remain. This also preserves a place for the long time dedicated players to be king of the leader board.

# 2



4 ans plus tôt

Very good suggestion, I support this system :)

# 3



4 ans plus tôt

So if I understand correctly, you are suggesting that the quest category ranking reset to 0 each month? I like the idea. But we have all noticed that a player is above another when his number of quests that he has done before (the number of quests which is in parenthesis) is greater than the player who had done less but who realize the same number of quests currently as the one above ... I like less, I have the impression that there is still a bit of injustice.

# 4



4 ans plus tôt

Its a second parameter, if two players have the same (current/monthly) quests, who is first and who is second is determined by the overall quests. If they have the same overall quests, the coins act as a third parameter. I think this is a fair and smart way of dealing with same scores. I wonder if anything similar happens on the coins and pvp leaderboard... What happens if two players have the same ammount of coins, does the avg. discovered creature lvl determine who gets the better spot? What if they have the same pvp score?

# 5



4 ans plus tôt

I'm open to considering regularly resetting the quest leaderboard, but I need to think about a good way of doing this. Encouraging a bit more competition and fairness seems like a good thing, but I also want to reward longer term investment. So maybe two quest leaderboards: one per month and one "lifetime" version. But then you can just as easily say: make two versions of all the leaderboards! And you'd be absolutely right. Good idea, but I'd need some time to get this right. And @obi-: the other leaderboards are sorted alphabetically if two players score equally on the main criterium. "Alphabetically" means whatever Unicode prescribes.

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