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Daily Quest and a Quest in the Pocket

dans English dans Forums

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4 ans plus tôt

I'm not sure why Firefly's "bug report request specific to the last update" thread was hijacked on the quest mechanics although I suspect a misunderstanding of how the daily quest works might have been confused with a game bug. For this forum thread lets discuss the quest mechanics, ask and respond to questions about how the daily quest aka Mision Diaria actually works. You have the daily quest in which you kill a specific creature 10 times for a reward. If you miss the daily quest you cannot "make it up" on the following day, unless, and here is the exception, you have "one in the pocket," or at least one killed quest creature from the lost day. On a day you've been unable to complete a quest, yet have successfully killed one or more of the daily quest creature, you gain "one in the pocket" in that you can make up the remaining days quest the following day. This only applies if you have achieved at least one quest creature kill. Example: You are current on the completed quest(s) from the previous day and have initiated the daily quest, however, after killing only two of the quest creatures, you lost all electricity and Internet access in your home until the following day. Now on day two, with power and Internet restored, you begin the daily quest. The daily quest creature may be a different creature than it was on the previous day, but not necessarily. You will observe that you start with 2/10 kills and find that you require only eight more to complete the quest. You kill the eight and the game indicates you are complete. Don't be fooled! The game will not advise you are required to disconnect and reconnect in order to verify you are truly current on quest completion, although you should know it is required for verification. You log out of the game and back in again only to discover the quest seems to have reset to zero kills, thus indicating you have another 10 creatures to hunt. Again, this is the current day's quest creature. This is because you had "one in the pocket" in that you were allowed to "complete" the previous day's quest only that you completed it by hunting the present day's quest creature, and then you have to disconnect and reconnect to initiate the current day's quest, which allows you to catch back up thus having averted the loss of a day's credit for doing the quest. What does not work: If you did not have an opportunity to initiate the previous days quest you will not be able to "make it up" because it is "not in the pocket" as it were. You must have accomplished at least one kill on the previous day in order to make up that quest. By design, this only allows you to make up as much as 90% of the previous days quest "effort" but not additional missed quests. You will not incur any loss of potential game coin. You would have earned 4K either way after two days quests, even if both are completed on the current day. You achieve preservation of all potential credit and revenue. Intentional utilization of this system is possible to avoid a single days killing of up to nine difficult quest creatures. For example, if on Tuesday the quest is the snake, which I know some people dread (I don't mind) you can exploit the "one in the pocket" system by killing only a single snake, then waiting for tomorrow. However, keep in mind, tomorrow could possibly also be the same creature you are trying to avoid, and thus you would have to kill 19 on that day, or try for ten, keeping one in the pocket and hoping the following day brings a new creature for you. On the weekend quest it is only possible to avoid up to nine of the 20 weekend quest creatures by putting a quest in the pocket. This is due to the fact that the elevated level creature is repeated for two days on the weekend, and only a single day may be "in the pocket." There are other dynamics to the daily quest, multiple day carryover, and related.

# 2



4 ans plus tôt

Bruh. I didn't think Angelio and I asking about it was such an issue but okay. Everyone forgets small details like that every now and then. Plus I think you're wrong... you only need to sign in the previous day to get the chance to do two the next day, no "one in the pocket" trickery.

# 3



4 ans plus tôt

Obi - I created a forum topic about it for the general public. There is a lot of confusion among new players and sometimes players that are not necessarily new when it comes to the quest dynamics. This is a good place to have questions on this specific topic. I cheated myself out of a couple quests months ago after the reset because I had a misunderstanding of how makeup questing works.

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