Post 211–216 di 216
1 giorno fa
Updated WebGL 'new' version: Natural block decorations like mushrooms, overgrowth and rocks now show up on maps. Hand-placed block decorations do not yet show up, and the empty decoration does not yet hide natural block decorations, Feedback on this change is very welcome. I know I hyped this change up on the livestream and I'd like to hear more opinions on what it looks like. Pay special attention to the Crystal Highlands area, which sees the most invasive visual change.
1 giorno fa
i think it might be worth seeing how it looks if the natural decoration color mixes with the color of the block it's on top of, but the decoration color doesn't bleed into blocks around it. that way it would be slightly less invasive decorations already mix with the blocks under them in the game world, would make sense to at least see how it looks on the map as well
15 ore fa
Updated WebGL 'new' version: 1.) Custom block decorations now show up on the map and the empty block decoration hides natural ones. Visit Valessi to see red flower patches behind the church or Paxanima with a yellow wheat field. 2.) I tried to fix the fighter showing 'undiscovered' highlights for (undiscoverable) reward pets and mounts. Let me know if this makes things better. In all I think the block decorations are here to stay. I spent more hours with them and I feel they add a lot of value to the map texture, coloring and general feel. Today I did not even mind the Crystal Highlands, but feedback remains welcome.
13 ore fa
very nice i still think trying the color mixing would be a good thing to try, the blatant brown or gray pixels in the middle of a dry grass field just arent it, many such similar examples even if the flowers then became slightly less vibrant, i believe it to be a valid trade-off to make everything more coherent, feel free to prove me wrong
11 ore fa
I have been testing the new plant decorations / coloring on the mini-map, and it is amazing! So much more natural texturing has been added to the map without having to spend a long time placing blocks left and right. Here's a test: Looking at the larger trees gave me an idea. What if the taller the tree, the larger the space it took on the map? For example, if a tree is one block tall, it would only be displayed as one block on the map, but if it is five blocks tall, it would take up about a 3 by 3 block space. These are just some random numbers better numbers can probably be suggested.
11 ore fa
i think the butterfly shape we have now is more than big enough for the trees we have in the game, perhaps the big grasslands oak tree could be special cased to be bigger, but i think its fine as is plus if a tree is small, it already shows up as a 1x1 pixel, and then at some point it becomes the butterfly shape you can see
Post 211–216 di 216