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RFC: on my moderation

in English in Forum

Post 21–27 di 27

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# 21


Kamikaze Justice

5 mesi fa

In your opening comment, you said,"Feel free to raise other questions or issues with my moderation." And so I did. And now I'm getting criticized for it. What does "feel free" mean? If you look at my very first comment on this subject (No. 5), I was very cordial, and I gave you a chance to investigate, or come to your senses, but you seem to think there's no difference between the Nazi swastika, and the Hindu swastika. You said,"I respect that this symbol was-and is- used for good in other cultures, and I don't want to take that form of expression away." I pointed out to you that the Nazi swastika is not the same symbol that is used in other cultures (the Nazi symbol is rotated 45 degrees, etc.). But you continue to think that nothing's wrong with it. I gave the links to show you the difference in the Nazi swastika. If the links show 'bad' imagery because of Nazism, then the egg with the Nazi symbol is also 'bad' imagery, and should be removed from the video. The Nazi swastika is a symbol of hate, racism, bigotry, and Nazi power. The Nazis were responsible for millions of deaths through various tortures, starvation, mass killings, and experiments. If this sounds ugly, it was ugly. And no one should look at a Nazi swastika as anything but ugly. As for intent, I never said, the design on the egg was intentionally meant to send a Nazi message of hate. Sometimes, people do things without realizing what they're doing. I believe that Amir is a good person, and he gave evidence of being a person with good conscience by removing the image on the egg. I sense that Amir is a young person, and young people can do things because they see other people do it, so they'll copy it without realizing its meaning. He may not have realized there are differences in the swastikas. FF, you probably thought the Nazi symbol is the same swastika that is used by other cultures, so your intent wouldn't be malicious. But now you're completely ignoring the fact that there is a difference in appearance, and meaning, with the swastikas. Anyone with a conscience wouldn't want to see a repeat of the Jewish holocaust, where over 6 million Jews were senselessly tortured and murdered, and then there were millions of others murdered for bigoted and prejudistic reasons. I did say,"With the hate against Jews on the rise, I'm not surprised that this Swastika is being accepted into your game. Let's spread the hate against the Jews... right?"... I asked a question, and I'm still waiting for an answer. You do allow a lot of freedom in the game, but some freedoms shouldn't happen, such as the hate directed at people, including me, which I can handle. But because of the history of hate towards the Jews, and how history has a nasty habit of repeating itself, I had to say something about the Nazi swastika that you allowed. Since the terrorist attack against Israel on Oct. 7th, 2024, the hatred against Jews has exponentially increased in many parts of the world, including the U.S., where young people are being sucked into it. So, the Nazi symbol being introduced into A.D. should have been expected, where freedoms of expression allows it. If you remove the video, or remove the section of the video that promotes Nazism, then I'll retract my comment above, that you perceive as being maliciously made towards you. As long as the Nazi swastika remains, there's no other interpretation that can be given, but that you don't mind promoting Nazism. How else should it be interpreted? Because of the extreme hatred of Nazism during WWII, and the rise of that same hatred today, I will face this with an equally extreme passion where I will not retract unless you retract. You don't want to talk about the egg, but it's an integrated part of this subject. A person can say,"It's just a swastika", but WWII, and the concentration camps, started with just a swastika. If this stand, or my freedom of expression, leads to me to being banned from the game, then so be it. Here's a picture of the Hindu swastika... Here's a picture of the Nazi swastika... @SodaMeow - Respectfully, this has nothing to do with you.

# 22


Kamikaze Justice

5 mesi fa

In my comment at No.21, I said,"Since the terrorist attack against Israel on Oct. 7th, 2024," I meant to say,"Oct. 7th, 2023".

# 23



5 mesi fa

This exemple you gave is wrong, both hindu and n@z1. Any way i belive you are right @Kamikaze Justice

# 24


Kamikaze Justice

5 mesi fa

Ritpop... thank you, for the observation about the swastika examples. I can see why the Nazi symbol example is wrong, since it's in reverse. Here's a better picture showing the difference between a Nazi swastika, and a Hindu swastika...

# 25



5 mesi fa

@Kamikaze Justice: You know what I realized after caring for the people in my life, and for the local communities I'm involved with after I posted my previous reply? That I do not care about this conversation at all. You call me a criminal and my company a criminal enterprise on my own forum—that's on you. I've been raised with wisdoms like 'don't judge for you will be judged' and 'turn the other cheek'. It's clear to me that we disagree. So be it. I don't care. You're still welcome here.

# 26


Kamikaze Justice

5 mesi fa

FF... forgive me for taking the risk of keeping this thread going...but, when did I call you a "criminal"? Since I didn't call you a "criminal" (No. 21, 12th paragraph), it's not on me. Those wisdoms from the Bible are excellent when taken in context. There's another wisdom from the Bible that's good for us to remember..."Abstain from all appearance of evil..." (1 Thess.5:22). Thank you for still welcoming me. That's very gracious of you after an intense discussion!

# 27



5 mesi fa

@Kamikaze Justice: If you can live with me not elaborating further, I'd prefer to close this chapter and move on.

Post 21–27 di 27

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