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I still can't get over this...

in English in Forum

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3 mesi fa

Ok. You know what happened. Stream #486. obi- had the (not) brilliant Idea to turn the Diamond Badge Lottery into an Elimination-like Game, where every Contestant on the Wheel who became the "Winner" was eliminated (OMG HE SAID IT DJDBDJDJDLDEIDBF!!!!!!!1111!!!!!). This turned into one of the worst things ever, let me explain. First of all: Really? A donator Badge Lottery? It's in the damn Name, the Badge is for DONATORS, or am I blind? Making a Lottery seems an attempt to get some more Players on the Streams, quit understandable in the current State still facinates me. Anyways, you had two Chances of winning the Badge in the Lottery, where the Guy who got picked on the Wheel became the Winner. obi- convinced Firefly to turn this into an Elimination sort of Game, explained at the beginning of the Topic you are currently reading (if you even are, let's be honest). This. Was. Bad. Why? Watch the Stream yourself, and you'll know why. This destroyed Friendships. This right here was a damn War, and it seemed like ony the odd ones survived it. I don't know how some random bloke suddenly won. How? How is it possible that I stay alive to the Top 15, but suddenly get picked? I know, I sound whiny here and Firefly will probably laugh his Lungs out reading this (you can't hide it), but really, HOW?! This was one of the most RIGGED Wheels ever! The Chances switched like crazy, pure RNG. I know, spinning a Wheel always means you'll have to have luck...but it seemed off here. What I also hated was how Firefly and others made fun of other People. I don't mind making Jokes, but this went too far. How do you have the courage to LAUGH when someone get's eliminated? It's not great for the other Person on the other Side of the Screen. It makes them feel bad, feeling like they're being used to make a bad Joke or two. I did laugh about other People, but never like this before. But what I think was the most bullocks Part about this: the Reward when getting the Badge. It doesn't just look fancy whenever someone vists your Profile, ohhhhh no, you get an DRAGON THAT YOU CAN'T ACQUIRE IN THE BASE GAME. I find it funny how Firefly hates microtransactions, but locks something very useful behind 33 Dollars. It would be COMPLETELY DIFFERENT if the Dragon could have been found in the Base Game, even if it meant it was hard to get him. That's an real Reward. It's not if I have to pay 33 Bucks for it. It's all nice donating for a Game you like and wanting to help it's Devs, but locking away Stuff just like an microtransaction is pretty wrong. And then doing a Lottery for This is why I hated Donater Badge Lottery in Stream #486. Best Regards beamy__donut (aka Destroyer of Worlds, Necromancer of Doom, Lord of the Underworld, and a bunch of other made up Titels) PSPSPSPSPSPSPSPSPSPSPSPSPPSPSSPPSSPPS: /spin Preferance: obi-

# 2


(GM) Witful Loki

3 mesi fa

I am sorry this is how you feel it was meant to be fun for all I did not consider it would not be as much fun for some of the players who did not have the dragon. Making elimination wheel was just a random idea by obi and we went with it for it was a way to make the stream last longer then 5 minutes. And for some of your reasons: "Really? A donator Badge Lottery? It's in the damn Name, the Badge is for DONATORS, or am I blind? Making a Lottery seems an attempt to get some more Players on the Streams, quit understandable in the current State still facinates me." This was my idea, I did not want to just give it out without giving all the players a chance to win it. "you had two Chances of winning the Badge in the Lottery, where the Guy who got picked on the Wheel became the Winner. obi- convinced Firefly to turn this into an Elimination sort of Game, explained at the beginning of the Topic you are currently reading" I would not just say obi, some of the other players agreed to this idea because it sounded fun. "Bad. Why? Watch the Stream yourself, and you'll know why. This destroyed Friendships. This right here was a damn War, and it seemed like ony the odd ones survived it" I would hate to see friendships destroyed, but if your friendship get destroyed by them winning the lottery that sounds like not a good friendship, friends should be happy for each other and share their excitement no matter who wins. "RIGGED Wheels ever! The Chances switched like crazy, pure RNG. I know, spinning a Wheel always means you'll have to have luck...but it seemed off here." And for this Firefly and I both found this wheel unbeknownst to each other, I went with it for it was a very fair wheel with no real way to fully rig it, the closes you can do to rig it is add a weight to the wheel but if you did it would show it by making that name bigger then the rest, and you have to have advance settings on which we did not for it shows that to, but if you don't believe me you can check it out for your self: "What I also hated was how Firefly and others made fun of other People. I don't mind making Jokes, but this went too far. How do you have the courage to LAUGH when someone get's eliminated? It's not great for the other Person on the other Side of the Screen. It makes them feel bad, feeling like they're being used to make a bad Joke or two. I did laugh about other People, but never like this before" Again we where not trying to make others feel bad we where all just trying to have some fun. "But what I think was the most bullocks Part about this: the Reward when getting the Badge. It doesn't just look fancy whenever someone vists your Profile, ohhhhh no, you get an DRAGON THAT YOU CAN'T ACQUIRE IN THE BASE GAME. I find it funny how Firefly hates microtransactions, but locks something very useful behind 33 Dollars. It would be COMPLETELY DIFFERENT if the Dragon could have been found in the Base Game, even if it meant it was hard to get him. That's an real Reward. It's not if I have to pay 33 Bucks for it. It's all nice donating for a Game you like and wanting to help it's Devs, but locking away Stuff just like an microtransaction is pretty wrong." This is not accurate, you can find / ride a dragon without the donator badge / donating, you can find a dragon in the open world, and for riding a dragon all you need to do is build a wonder. Again sorry if this sounds unfair but this is how it went and the only thing one can do now is move on and enjoy life and not hold onto the disappointing moments. -(GM) Witful Loki a.k.a. Loki The Witful

# 3



3 mesi fa

I can't even make an Arguement with messing it up. 🏳️🏳️🏳️🏳️🏳️🏳️🏳️🏳️🏳️

# 4



3 mesi fa

Oof! I totally understand that if you look at this lottery fully serious and ignore all non-literal cues it looks like players backstabbing each other and everybody losing except for three players. But if you read the room I hope it's clear that we all tried to keep things fun. And I only laughed constantly because every spin was unpredictable and I was having a real good time! I thought we had a really cool and unique event with a lighthearted atmosphere to distribute some free stuff. Sure, not everybody could 'win', but in my opinion nobody 'lost' except for some of their time. The elimination format itself seemed great to me as it maximizes the amount of wheel spins, making the event more engaging to watch. I would have felt much less hyped if I had done just two spins for a winner and stopped there. If we were to do another lottery like this I'd probably reverse the elimination mechanic to focus more on the positive outcome. Like: every spin winner gets a point and we spin until someone has three points. This keeps it equally exciting, but in a positive way. And when I then assign a spin to a viewer, they'd get to say who they want to win instead of lose, making the vibe much more positive. Does that sound nice?

# 5



3 mesi fa

You don't have to change the entire Format just because of me. I made this Topic to pretty much tell what I hated it, but at the end of the Day I got unlucky.

# 6



3 mesi fa

1. pure rng legit means fair rng 2. you can get __everything__ the donator badge gives you in the base game for free: build a wonder 3. you wouldnt be saying any of this had you won 4. the wheel had no preference for me: i never even got into the final quarter 😭 maybe you didnt at all care to read the actual reason there was a lottery, so here it is: 2 players (loki and lucy) donated 33$ and didnt want to take the donator badge for themselves, but instead give it to some other player, thats the main reason for why there was a lottery. then firefly added a third badge cuz hes nice like that youre right about one thing though, this was indeed very fun to read

# 7



3 mesi fa

where are all the players online? Why am I always alone?

# 8



3 mesi fa

This game is played by people ALL over the World... we all play when we have time. That can occur pretty much anytime within a 24 hour day. Try asking in Discord when people play.

# 9



2 mesi fa


# 10



2 mesi fa

@WendySimple: This is so fire it pushed the cavemen into the Bronze Age.

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