Post 11–20 di 158
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6 anni fa
I'm still building the Roman numerals every 25 levels. I've got to 200 because i outlined 175 today. I'm going to add something to 175 but all the others including 200. That's why 175 still has the bamboo scaffolding. There is so much built out there and there is so much open area.
6 anni fa
I spent most of Sunday rebuilding my laptop (not even in game) :( roadster9 has end of road. (send FR if you want to help) Ya, the road should be an eye opener to people how big the world is ... actually, once you grasp the full road; (which is really only ~ 1/3 done) you will still be BLOWN away how much bigger the world is...
6 anni fa
I've sent requests to I think deserves a mention.
6 anni fa
Righto. ExcaliburGaming and Tailsmancion above there would like permissions. If anyone else wants permission to build feel free to post in here. It's hard to have a megathread when it's just Hummm and Fierro and I talking to each other. I mean, that's fine; but anyone else is more than welcome to just chime in at anytime here.
Post 11–20 di 158
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