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Blocks for v2.23

in English in Forum

Post 41–50 di 65

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# 41


Kamikaze Justice

6 anni fa

FF... I'd be happy with that added to the game. Thank you!

# 42



6 anni fa

Sounds like something that would be very useful, would love to have it! :)

# 43



6 anni fa

Seems like I spoke too soon on the high-powered lantern. The basic idea is simple to implement, but I can't easily prevent regular lamps from joining in on the high-powered fun as well. Sorry to have to put this into the freezer for a later update! But at least enjoy the fact that about 23 new blocks are coming in v2.23.

# 44


Kamikaze Justice

6 anni fa

Oh, well............. :)

# 45



6 anni fa

Speaking of bright "lamps" ... (I would support boosting the wattage of all current lamps) .. I'd like a "/torch" command that would toggle a virtual lamp on your head, illuminating the 4-5 block radius around you. (as if there was a light block attached to your head) ... reason I hate working on the road at night, b/c you cant see the blocks you're trying to remove. Why toggle off? because for PvP ... it would make you light up ... like a lamp!

# 46



6 anni fa

Signs , so you can write everything down there if there is space for it ;)

# 47



6 anni fa

@wyppie: signs (or a variation thereof) are definitely coming in the near future!

# 48


Alexi M

6 anni fa

If we talk about the simplest: I would like to see various of gemstones in the form of blocks: sapphires, emeralds, rubies, diamonds, topaz, quartz, amber, amethyst, agate, aventurine, aquamarine. And this list can be supplemented with one special crystal - an electric crystal. I think you can easily change the color of the chaos crystal for all this. speaking about large things: sci-fi, modern and cyberpunk style blocks. All kinds of pipes, wires, monitors, panels (plastic, titanium, carbon), themed doors, all sorts of blocks in the form of advanced mechanisms like a scanner or code lock. In general, I think you understand the point. I do not think that sci-fi, modern and cyberpunk style blocks will be exactly added, but you can certainly add gemstones in the next update (though a part), right?

# 49


Kamikaze Justice

6 anni fa

In agreement with Alex, I think precious gems blocks would be useful... but in the BENDING block form. At least, have the ruby (we already have the chaos crystal, but that glows, and the ruby could have other characteristics, maybe, a darker red and more translucent), amethyst, topaz, emerald, and sapphire gems. If you really want to play around with colors, some varieties of Opals can add spice to our structures. They would have speckles of more than one color in a block, but with one obvious dominant color in each variety of block.

# 50



6 anni fa

I agree aswell, I would LOVE more colors in the form of gems. No glow just the block, bending or not I would be happy :) It would bring so much more color to builds and it would be very useful for pixelart.

Post 41–50 di 65

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