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Team Deathmatch and Conquermod ?

in English in Forum

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# 21



6 anni fa

I'm cool either way. Seeing the end-game or a detailed plan can inspire to start on the fundamentals, while seeing the fundamentals can inspire to imagine the end-game. The important thing for now is to have fun discussing all this.

# 22



6 anni fa

Maybe it would first better to work off the points step by step, so first of all to the update, the possibility of independent of friend lists, clans to form and join should be enabled? In this way, this kind of clan system could be realized step by step in the next few years. What do you all mean ? Is probably better to make this way update suggestions.

# 23



6 anni fa

In addition, I would also in a new forum, the ultimate goal of the clan system lead again and link with every update proposal. So if wanted, this can be read.

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