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2 anos atrás
Based on a recent discussion with @Deneon: what if sitting healed you faster? Like a sort of campfire, but without the actual campfire. You would sit—mainly for a solo fighter/scout or group thereof—and heal up for the next battle. You can't do this during an ongoing fight since you'd be a sitting duck. I could make it so that you heal faster only when no creatures are around. It would be a streamlined version of the sign out/sign in/telecharge 'hack' that we already have. Semantically it feels like introducing the bulldozer to make shovel hacks obsolete. This also takes away the frustration of not being able to heal, and retains immersion by not forcing you to sign out/sign in and telecharge again. I'd appreciate feedback on this idea. Original post:
2 anos atrás
This feels like the typical "character balance" issues many MMOs face, but no matter how hard they try, it just make things worst. Granted, AD doesn't really face this, b/c we only have Irish PvP. The fighter already has heals from a mount and gradual heals while sitting, and of course some "unnamed" pet heals. Frankly, if you are soloing on fighter, you're doing it wrong.
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