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DEV: WebGL version

em English em Fóruns

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# 211



4 dias atrás

Updated WebGL 'new' version: Natural block decorations like mushrooms, overgrowth and rocks now show up on maps. Hand-placed block decorations do not yet show up, and the empty decoration does not yet hide natural block decorations, Feedback on this change is very welcome. I know I hyped this change up on the livestream and I'd like to hear more opinions on what it looks like. Pay special attention to the Crystal Highlands area, which sees the most invasive visual change.

# 212



3 dias atrás

i think it might be worth seeing how it looks if the natural decoration color mixes with the color of the block it's on top of, but the decoration color doesn't bleed into blocks around it. that way it would be slightly less invasive decorations already mix with the blocks under them in the game world, would make sense to at least see how it looks on the map as well

# 213



2 dias atrás

Updated WebGL 'new' version: 1.) Custom block decorations now show up on the map and the empty block decoration hides natural ones. Visit Valessi to see red flower patches behind the church or Paxanima with a yellow wheat field. 2.) I tried to fix the fighter showing 'undiscovered' highlights for (undiscoverable) reward pets and mounts. Let me know if this makes things better. In all I think the block decorations are here to stay. I spent more hours with them and I feel they add a lot of value to the map texture, coloring and general feel. Today I did not even mind the Crystal Highlands, but feedback remains welcome.

# 214



2 dias atrás

very nice i still think trying the color mixing would be a good thing to try, the blatant brown or gray pixels in the middle of a dry grass field just arent it, many such similar examples even if the flowers then became slightly less vibrant, i believe it to be a valid trade-off to make everything more coherent, feel free to prove me wrong

# 215


Loki The Witful

2 dias atrás

I have been testing the new plant decorations / coloring on the mini-map, and it is amazing! So much more natural texturing has been added to the map without having to spend a long time placing blocks left and right. Here's a test: Looking at the larger trees gave me an idea. What if the taller the tree, the larger the space it took on the map? For example, if a tree is one block tall, it would only be displayed as one block on the map, but if it is five blocks tall, it would take up about a 3 by 3 block space. These are just some random numbers better numbers can probably be suggested.

# 216



2 dias atrás

i think the butterfly shape we have now is more than big enough for the trees we have in the game, perhaps the big grasslands oak tree could be special cased to be bigger, but i think its fine as is plus if a tree is small, it already shows up as a 1x1 pixel, and then at some point it becomes the butterfly shape you can see

# 217



2 dias atrás

Updated WebGL 'new' version: A.) Transparent materials are now rendered as a semi-transparent overlay on maps. B.) Flat blocks (the super thin ones) now show up with the correct material on maps. C.) Player badge and flag icons no longer show up through the minimap. The above is quite a change in map appearance for builds that use transparent blocks. This includes (amongst others) glass, hedges, metal beams, rope nets and photon conduits. If any of those blocks is at the top for a map pixel, it will mix with the first non-transparent block below it. I think this looks great on many wonders: – Psychedelia (/tw 28) material museum and yin-yang sign to the North – Equatoria (/tw 27) large glass pyramid to the North – City of Heroes (/tw 1) Photon Dome to the North – Station Solois (/tw 43) land base to the West It also looks great on Dragons Nest Spaceport (/tw 12) where the effect is omnipresent due to its large amount of metal beams. It's a huge visual change, but for a map it's really nice to navigate the subsurface parts of this build and see where you're going. I'll ping @Rob12 to get some personal feedback on this, too. With these changes I'm quite content with the state of minimap and world map rendering and I'm about ready to wrap up the development on this feature. @Loki The Witful: I'm sorta, kinda, happy with the way trees look for now. I agree they can be hard to make out sometimes if their color blends with the surrounding terrain, but I never feel totally lost.

# 218



1 dia atrás

I love how the glass new looks, the pyramid and domes are truly wonderful! I think making ropes, hedges and metal beams also behave like this is a bit crazy, considering that the last two textures are more full than glass is. I suggest excluding those from transparency, or perhaps make the effect for them far weaker, as those textures would let less light through and we therefore wouldn't be able to see the block under it as clearly as with glass. Conduits are cool with this though, I checked out the photon computer, looks cool and multilayered, nice, and it makes sense since they are basically also glass

# 219



1 dia atrás

@obi-: Good point about it being "crazy" that solid, non-glass materials appear semi-transparently :-) Updated WebGL 'new' version: i.) Only glass materials, including photon conduits, render semi-transparently on maps now. ii.) Now that we're only dealing with glass, the semi-transparent effect is more see-through so you can see clearer details below. iii.) A few functional blocks, like the holo scroll, now render with their symbol color on maps instead of appearing white. Big improvement in the village! iv.) Empty photon blocks, photon counters and photon faucets are now hidden on maps. v.) Trees and bushes no longer pop through the semi-transparent glass map overlays like in Equatoria's green pyramid. Go check out the builds mentioned above again. Also check Dragons Nest Spaceport to look at the big UFO to the East. Admire the cool details showing through the glass near its center. Feedback remains much appreciated; I hope everyone likes this version.

# 220



18 horas atrás

good changes i like

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