Postagem 1–10 de 26
1 ano atrás
Bro we are in trouble in this game bro it's annoying to get always BARS I and kinjal are creating this iff anyone wanna fight with the lag the bar fight in this form (X) my problem is the biggggg bar only bruh that bar is so big to me that it's not going out from my brain pls fix all lag in the game my other things are going smoothly in my network but in angeldust it's the opposite ff pls fix the lag and the bar in the game plssss.
1 ano atrás
Firefly and other GMs l request you give this game a update for this lag issue l am tired with this lag it stucks and creatures killed me always the bar is there when l play the game and it's became darker n darker when l start moving please look for this l cant grind and do other stuff for this lag. ~GODkinjal
1 ano atrás
Best advice is to switch to Ethernet instead of Wi-Fi. And make sure nobody (like family or dorm members) is saturating your personal Internet connection. I've checked and the game server is running without hitches, so you (and I) are at the mercy of the global Internet to efficiently route traffic. It's Sunday, so it could be that some international pipes are congested today. The (GM)s can't do anything about this, I can't do anything about this; if you're on a PC with Ethernet and an unsaturated connection it's just global lag and we'll have to hope it gets better soon.
1 ano atrás
Bro ka maike really bro this joke not we are iin stress bruh if cement walks into the bar it's gray bar bruh
Postagem 1–10 de 26