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9 месяцев тому назад
When players have the same amount of wonders, the website Wonders leaderboard orders them by earliest date of their first wonder. @Rob12 is number one because their first wonder, The Twelve Kingdoms, was built before @Leyenda's first wonder, San Valentin. Would it make sense to order this leaderboard by the earliest date of the most recent wonder instead? The implied achievement would then become: being the first to build an X amount of wonders. This order would match the Creatures leaderboard, where the first player to discover an X amount of creatures is listed first. Note that it would make no sense at all to sort the Creatures leaderboard by a player's very first creature discovery. As far as I can tell the changes would be: – @Leyenda moves to #1, pushing @Rob12 to #2 – @fatih+ moves to #8, pushing @space is green to #9 Feedback welcome.
9 месяцев тому назад
This makes sense ordering it newest to oldest X amount, it would also make new wonder builders builders more exciting to see there wonder at the top of the list, in my opinion.
9 месяцев тому назад
I actually think its a good idea, new wonders get to the top of the list. It's a reward for new wonder builders and also easy for us to see who is the new wonder builders. If I may, I would keep wonders to 18 wonders only. The rest should go into category as "past wonders", since they also used different blocks or designs based on that time.
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