Пост 1–10 из 13
10 месяцев тому назад
FF, I just came up with this idea to promote the game, and to add to your Angeldust gift shop... The Angeldust Matching Card Game. The cards should have all the game's creatures and the four heroes on them.
10 месяцев тому назад
@obi When a person buys it, other people see it, and maybe even play the memory game, and then they learn about the game's existence. All advertising promotes. Why the name calling? And calling my mother names? God rest her soul...
10 месяцев тому назад
There was no emoji, at least on the three browsers I use. The sure way for ideas to go nowhere is to not try them at all. There are people who like playing memory games. It was just an idea I threw FF's way.
Пост 1–10 из 13