Пост 1–10 из 13
9 месяцев тому назад
NOPE! This week will have stream, yes! ILL STREAM FOR YOU, FF! Tomorrow, guys! Stay tuned, and after the stream, join us at the jamming Plants!
9 месяцев тому назад
Delaying it up to sunday.. I got a rain check today so i may stream tomorrow 11:30AM GMT-3.
9 месяцев тому назад
Quick update: i may or not stream today, my mother has told me that i will go to my dad's friend house so i may get a little late or whatsoever.
9 месяцев тому назад
Although no live stream we still manage to have some hunting fun today! :D Too bad I couldn't give out any pet snacks...lol. Found some new players and had a blast! https://imgur.com/HPC7qQx https://imgur.com/xfWxlL7 https://imgur.com/G67CiEM https://imgur.com/992VeZZ Bruh someone is gonna be in hot water....can't turn your back for a few seconds. heh. https://imgur.com/HoG26s7 https://imgur.com/4tBxTiP man this is what they do... and they don't know that I know...lol. https://imgur.com/zcaXwlA Meow~~
Пост 1–10 из 13