Пост 11–20 из 25
7 лет тому назад
Addictive. Yeah i also vote for steam award on this game. A steam badge is reward after making survey and nomination on every 9 category.Check steam store for more info. Hope it help = ) http://store.steampowered.com/SteamAwardNominations/
7 лет тому назад
Derposaurus greatly approves of this game. So much he took over my house. For a social idea, add a 'LFG' mode to the tele. When turned on, tele to an active group or allow other LFG users to tele to you and start one. Within a difficulty band to avoid instadeath, group size and other backend whatnot. So soon LFG users would clump together and make friends. Group not to your liking? Hop away by filtering everyone in that group. I have more. =)
Пост 11–20 из 25