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The Black Pyramid

в English в Форумы

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6 лет тому назад

It was another day of Moniq's exploring. Suddenly, when the landscape opened... "Wha..what is that Black Pyramid? Why is it here in Savannah? And what is its secret?" She fed her bear for the last time and cautiously entered the stone maze... ((OCC: Use my world location to start))

# 3



6 лет тому назад

Wow, that's amazing! Great find there, or did you build it yourself?

# 4



6 лет тому назад

((Yes I built it))

# 5



6 лет тому назад

Great job there! It really looks like it took a lot of time to build that. Also nice work with adding trees around it, that makes it look more mysterious :)

# 6



6 лет тому назад

Thank you

# 7



6 лет тому назад

I was also strolling on the Striped Road with space is green yesterday and I saw that you also helped build there, very cool!

# 8


Some horse

6 лет тому назад

What is Striped road event?

# 9



6 лет тому назад

@Some horse It is a road that starts near the City and leads West to inland. If you click Wonder in your Saved Location, you get to the start :) @Firefly I got bored of building my castle :D so I currently build one another road than stripped and a Spaceport. I need new mouse, so many clicks. Did you ever experienced a situation when using mass of some specific type of blocks, the client gets really slow?

# 10



6 лет тому назад

I sent a friend request Some Horse. If we see each other in game I could show it a bit. Also send space is green a friend request. The road starts at his world location. You can get there with the wonder button but you might end up the wrong place the first few tries. Wait a minute or 5 and try again. You'll be in a large white courtyard surrounded by a massive awesome build. There is a white staircase to the west. That's the road.

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