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4 лет тому назад
My best hunting Savannah for completing many of the weekly quests is being destroyed. The following griefers are claiming in my hunting savannah and not doing anything productive with it. This is just total crap! OFFENDING PLAYERS: godspeed35 cristoo stiven20 (2) I clearly had holo-scrolls up asking you not to claim in the area. The holo-scrolls welcomed you to hunt, but asked nicely please do not claim. Welcome to the crap list of grief'ing players. You are not welcome. Complete current list: cristoo godspeed35 stiven20 (2) SOLITARIO hiago x13 Until the game developer figures out a solution to this "social problem" all I can do is post the names of the rude players that continue to behave poorly. If you are on this list, stay the heck away from me.
4 лет тому назад
Entry #3 Player Name: dungdang8108 https://www.angeldu.st/en/players/dungdang8108 It is NOT WELCOME for you to use my HUB and claim chunks next to the biomes for discovery. Welcome to the griefer hall of shame dungdang8108
4 лет тому назад
Complete current list: cristoo godspeed35 stiven20 (2) SOLITARIO hiago x13 dungdang8108
3 лет тому назад
It is a HUGE WORLD,,,, why do these people have to destroy the few good hunting areas I have? Add to the shame list these two knuckleheads: Toddyn060 Animeytor Grief'd my hunting grassland where I hunt Grizzly Bears.
3 лет тому назад
What you say is a slop I occupy this sábana like my life I do not do it to annoy anyone but I see that players like you are offended as if I were saying thousands of insults
Пост 1–10 из 12