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4 лет тому назад
Eu amei a ideia! Estava comentando justamente isso com Leyenda, que você poderia colocá-los permanentemente no jogo, acho muito frustrante eles sumirem depois de um determinado tempo, amei a ideia e vou amar se der certo! É oque faltava para os NPC’s. ❤️✨ se der para excluí-los caso coloquemos no lugar errado seria ótimo. 👏🏻
4 лет тому назад
Then it is not necessary to place a photon button, if they only activate with only the summoning stickers I think it's great. I was thinking that you should do the same with the creatures as well so that they are there when we look at it like this it will be a thousand times better
4 лет тому назад
@Ruan4K: thanks for the triple spam, shame on you! :D @Hummm: it prevents NPC spam because you can't (don't have to) press buttons multiple times anymore. You place the photon imitator and the NPC just always *is* there, without duplication. @YokoOno: while building and placing NPCs you can "remove" them by just adding lots of 'em. Only the 4 most recent NPCs survive. Or you can use the "photon faucet" block below ground to remove them. @Leyenda: for now I only want to make NPCs auto-spawn. Changing creatures is a bit harder and it would really mess with existing builds and expectations. @obi-, all: just brainstorming… Maybe I *can* add a toggle for disabling auto-spawn. You would start the NPC name with '#' (like the holo scroll quick message thing) and the game wouldn't auto-spawn that NPC. The # would be hidden as well. Does that sound good? Also, paging @Rob12: can you chime in with a short comment on this change? Last I've heard you added lots of NPCs to your builds and i don't want to upset you without you knowing about it! (No more KJs for me.)
4 лет тому назад
> You would start the NPC name with '#' (like the holo scroll quick message thing) and the game wouldn't auto-spawn that NPC. The # would be hidden as well. Does that sound good? Yeah that sounds great. Would be sick. -- Question: Would imitator creatures also auto-spawn on load? Or just the NPCs? Would be nice to see people add random animals around (like I did with the ravens in the Streaming city, without having a conduit mess in the sky) Maybe it could be controlled by adding a # before the ID in the first prompt the imitator gives you, so you'd have a choice to spawn the creature or not. (I don't actually expect this to be added, just asking.)
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