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Precious advices, for you, valuable players

в English в Форумы

Пост 1–7 из 7





3 лет тому назад

After countless hours and hours of playing, I decided to share the results of my experiences and insights with you, fellow comrades. Of course, you can refuse my act of kindness and goodwill. Weither you take it or leave it is not my business. Summary: the objective of a game is to have fun. But in a world where angels-hm players are living peacefully, life is boring. So for an exciting experience, the best way is to become a devil-m an active player. Read and follow these advices to benefit greatly in your journey! if you add your own advices in this topic, please enumerate them correctly (25.blablabla... 26.blobloblo...) Advices: 1. always use playtogether to find and add friends! fill your friend list! the more the merrier! teleport to friends, talk, battle, explore, get coins, and build with them! 2. coins are important! for the shop and for the leaderboard! so take them all even when you play with the others! use the sorceress to attract coins towards you when playing together before they do! if you are far away then use the purple wand to heal the monster until you approach and kill it! 3. Claim near other players so monsters don't spawn near you and disturb you while building! don't listen to anyone who asks you to claim farther, because they don't have the right to own that area! there is no rule about that! 4. Use multiple accounts and claim in every biome! use holo chargers in your alts claims to travel faster! search the map for claims and build near them! conquer the world and challenge other players! 5. Be kind to new players! ask them to let you build in their claims and help them! but don't restrict yourself with their style! give free rein to your imagine and build anything even if you have to change what they built! 6. Deepen your relationships with players by pranks! trap them with photon systems, imprison them with blocks in your claims, or use a holo charger leading to a trap! 7. In the void, hide and let other players fight among themselves first, then ttack when they are weakened!

# 2



3 лет тому назад

0. Join the discord server: :)

# 3



3 лет тому назад

8. Skip reading the terms of use since it's such a long wall of text :P

# 4



3 лет тому назад


# 5



3 лет тому назад

0 is the only good advice here, you can ask for tips in discord (and share some spicy memes)

# 6



3 лет тому назад

How do I delete this topic??

# 7



3 лет тому назад

9. Like land claims in the game, forum topics are here forever. (This sounds like actual precious advice, for you, valuable players.)

Пост 1–7 из 7