โพสต์ 1–7 ของ 7
1 ปี ที่ผ่านมา
https:// www.transfernow.net /dl/missing-person [Firefly edit: I've added spaces to this URL so it's not clickable. Make sure you know what you are doing when opening this link.] Context: sorry this is a new concept for me, I suggest downloading all the files up there first before they expire The story will be from, missing person - F1 -F2 - F3 That's all I got to say, hf :)
1 ปี ที่ผ่านมา
I might have some insider info, and even if I didn't it's very clear who made it (not me) and what it is. The files are safe, I checked: it's just 4 pdfs, 3 of them are encrypted inside 3 .zip's under a password - I would assume your job is to figure out what the password is by doing the quest in the game. It's a quest, go and have fun
โพสต์ 1–7 ของ 7