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stop thinking of me as a criminal

ใน English ใน ฟอรัม

โพสต์ 1–10 ของ 12

1 2 » ต่อไป




3 เดือน ที่ผ่านมา

sorry in advance, I want to say about my bad behavior towards other players, I feel there is no harm if I do it towards other players, because they are even worse to me, and I also want to say to (GM) sodameow, you have accused me and defend the real perpetrators against everyone, therefore you don't see their bad behavior towards me, sorry if I won't play anymore, I will leave first from the game world and delete the application, for the convenience of the AD players, and (GM) witful loki I beg you to guard my building or my miracle in the world of games, I will say goodbye first, and I want to choose to focus more on my life goals, thank you AD for accompanying me for 1 year, this is all I can say, that's all and thank you

# 2


(GM) Witful Loki

3 เดือน ที่ผ่านมา

Sorry to hear about some player not treating you very nicely, I can look more into this if you like, and if you have any screenshots of this players who was being mean / screenshots of some mean messages they sent in chat that can help deal with this, note do not send them here in the public topic send them over in a PM or DM in discord, please and Thank you. Welp I wish you luck on your real life goals and I hope to see you around in game in the future, and I try my best to keep an eye on your build. — (GM) Witful Loki

# 3


(GM) SodaMeow

3 เดือน ที่ผ่านมา

There's always two sides of a story, or maybe more. My side is based on that moment in time of what I observed. Whatever happened before that causing you to behave like that I don't know. But there are betters ways to resolve these issues instead: 1. Mute the player from the chat ( go to contacts list - find the chat bubble and tick a x) 2. Unfriend the player - go to website, sign in and find friend 3. Send a PM to any GM - report bad behaviors 4.My favorite one is just eat chocolate and move on. Am not saying that anyone is right or wrong, anything can happen in game and emotions run high. Just take a break, get a chocolate bar and chill. Everything will be alright! :D BTW, if you see real bad behavior don't take this message here as to ignore it, refer to point 3. TYSM for the understanding!

# 4


nome f

3 เดือน ที่ผ่านมา


# 5



3 เดือน ที่ผ่านมา

you are not a "criminal" you are "arielindonesia"

# 6


nome f

3 เดือน ที่ผ่านมา

You are not arielindonesia you are a criminal

# 7



3 เดือน ที่ผ่านมา

ArielIndonesia, be sure to remember, in any game you play and similar situations, if other players/people are behaving badly, that shows that an opportunity has appeared, most likely an opportunity for Risk. In that situation, you can make a decision to either join the bad behavior, to confront or report the bad behavior, or to leave it alone and walk away if possible, just like when a dungeon appears, should you take it or should you ignore it? If you enter the dungeon, you've set out to take on the responsibilities of solving the puzzle, or if you ignore it, more time for chocolate. One of the bigger risks in behaving the same way as others when they started the trouble, is that you could get caught even though you were not the one who started it and it also takes you farther away from actually enjoying the game. So it helps to keep in mind what options you have in the moment, whenever other players act in the wrong, it's possible they're not enjoying something about the process and so they turn it into a tough situation, but if you can either help them resolve whatever was troubling them Or you focus on the parts of the process you're able to for the moment, then you'll have a better overall experience.

# 8



3 เดือน ที่ผ่านมา

As a criminal, stop thinking of me 🤔

# 9


(GM) SodaMeow

3 เดือน ที่ผ่านมา

It be a criminal to think of anyone as a criminal...heh!

# 10


nome f

3 เดือน ที่ผ่านมา

100% criminal

โพสต์ 1–10 ของ 12

1 2 » ต่อไป