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Action Blocks

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–15 của 15

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# 11



7 năm trước

Instead of calling it a spike block. Why not allow it to be a spike instead. That away not everything will be considered blocks. So make the spike so that if anything touches it can take damage. Wonder if it's possible to use that as a trap so if creatures or people walk onto a Conveyor Belts you then can make them fall into a pit of spikes so it be easy killing. Hmmm I wonder. Let me know thoughts. If Spike block then it can be used to dmg creatures outside of your base. Just needs to have like some kinda person dmg with it.

# 12



7 năm trước

If you add Conveyor Belts you need to add some kinda piston so that it can push blocks. Be nice to see what you come up with. <3

# 13



7 năm trước

It seems that everyone has the same idea what Spike Block is. :D Well, maybe Zero knows for certain what he meant. :) Talking about new blocks, hope to see some flower blocks, like roses etc, it would perfect homes. I made a heart of red crystals, it was no easy honestly. Wish there are colour blocks too. And I believe many have voiced it out.

# 14


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

Well if you add player built dungeons and PvP arenas, "Spike" blocks would be useful for traps in those. In the mean time they'd be for monster hunting grounds. Oh, BTW, Monster spawner would be fun with the player built dungeons and PvP arenas as well.

# 15



7 năm trước

"Thanks for posting these ideas, Zero! 'Active' blocks will be a lot of fun to build and play around with. One thing I am wondering though – what does the 'spike' block do?" - Firefly Well, I was thinking for more like parkour courses where if you fall you can take damage... or at least warp/teleport blocks/checkpoints Remember, we can't build anywhere on the world map anymore.

Bưu kiện 11–15 của 15

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