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Bưu kiện 11–13 của 13

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# 11



7 năm trước

Look behind firefly if you join the stream today. It usually appears similar to the best conga line there ever was in the history of the world. Except there are user names all over the place in a straight line directly behind him. I have a hard time seeing the monsters in these situations. In previous versions the little number for the player's level was not visible; this little number was only visible for the monsters, which made it easy (or easier) to identify if the monster was dying or if it was a player or what was happening. As soon as the last monster drops I want to know so I can heal everyone while they're still grouped together and I cannot heal before because I'll heal the monster. It's difficult to tell what's going on; I see gold fly everywhere so I heal but I no longer notice there's a second monster in that group. This could be changed by having an option to make the display bars a different color for players and monsters; options would be nice because of personal preference and then people who are color blind could make the colors very distinct from one another. Sometimes I don't know all the monsters are dead until everyone in the group starts walking away. Then I try to heal them as they go. I've seen this happen where some of the monsters die and everyone starts walking, running, flying away but they don't notice that there are still one or two or three monsters right there. They're all leaving and going off in every direction and there's two or three people still behind trying to fight the monsters that had blended in and that I've just healed.

# 12


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

This would only be a good idea in PvP areas, but yes.

# 13



7 năm trước

You got a good point there Gerberd. And yea, here's my suggestion 1) We work together and (maybe) build a PvP arena (but that will take ages) 2) Firefly sets an option for PvP where players can send request to others to duel and if request accepted will be teleported to the arena. Penalty is you lose a certain amount of gold to the other player. 3) For Team PvPing, maybe there could be an option for a lobby where you can choose or be randomly teamed, and the challenge is to have teamwork. The names of players can have coded colours or the clothing will be temporarily set to one specific colour for easier identification in the arena.

Bưu kiện 11–13 của 13

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