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Missing monster's

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7 năm trước

I'm super curious. Where can i find golden bug and dusk bunny. And a small side question is there someone who has all 260 something monsters. I would like to see how the picture of the missing ones ..and add them to my bounty list

# 2


space is green

7 năm trước

I think Fierro has the most creatures: 261 out of 262. He's only missing one! :)

# 3


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

Dust bunnies of all sorts are best found as part of Cluster bunnies. As of the golden ones, they are pretty much very rare, and appear wherever ones in their category appear (so basically anywhere.)

# 4



7 năm trước

not quite the answer im looking for Aoi Blue its like telling me u find fish in the sea,,, i wanted to know the areas in which they spawn,, ( and if i made a typo error i mean golden bug/ bunny but not pink cluster bunny, have cluster and pink and pearl bunnys)

# 5



7 năm trước

When you kill Golden ClusterBunny (real name is "24-carat cluster"), he summons many yummy "Goldbunny"s. So, Golden Cluster is 2x1 (yeah!). Currently I have 261/262 creatures. I lack just a tiny little thing.... I'm looking for the mythical Golden CrystalBug. That tiny impossible to find creature, that it's turning me (more) crazy xD. Maybe I'm cursed. I know that he is hiding from me. My impossible quest continues... :)

# 6



7 năm trước

LOLOL i know i need to kill him... But what area does it spawn in. And I would really love to see how the mob looks im missing out on.. Otherwise i dono what im looking for

# 7



7 năm trước

I understand that it spawn on any area where 'normal' crytalbug spawns. To my knowlegde there are 9 areas: Frostbite Barrens, Chilled Woods, Frozen Shards, Crystal Highlands, Splintered Woodland, Razor Fen, Blackrock Dunes, Diamond Valley, Chaos Jungle. But it's random. Maybe a very tiny probability of spawn.

# 8


Mercy Parker

7 năm trước

Great read guys, I'm missing the 24-Carat Cluster and the golden crystal bug (and 4 other creatures) and I'm going insane too lol I must roam the areas. Maybe we're all cursed lol

# 9



7 năm trước

And the miracle happens at last! THANKS TOO MUCH TO DiegoTauruz! Finally 262/262. "Golden bug" was the hardest for me. I was searching it at all times. I'm very happy now. It was found at Diamond Valley, for the record. Thanks to all who help me at some time. What a great community. Amazing.

# 10



7 năm trước


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