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7 năm trước

Do we have some wiki where to find things and blocks that not in shop and inventory? things like fence, bed, umbrella and etc

# 2



7 năm trước

There is a new players guide on here that hasn't been bumped in too long. Fences are doors but you only use the first block. Separate them with posts or pillars. Beds can be made with the cloth blocks. Part of the game is figuring how the different blocks appear when they're next to other blocks. It's kind of a figure out what you can build as opposed to someone telling you what you can build sorta thing; if that makes any sense.

# 3



7 năm trước

That's why my house looks horrible. I was trying to see how the different blocks went together and I haven't fixed it yet.

# 4


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

It's more fun to experiment in my book.

# 5



7 năm trước

We could put together a builder's guide. or a wiki as you say but it would be lots of work. Firefly just put in the tables and chairs in the last update and he says we're getting more. I don't have the time to do such a project and really anything I could write in there a person could figure out on their own in about as much time as it would take to read. It would be rife with outdated and incomplete information, if I put it together. I would check out Space is Green's striped road. See if you could get around to see some of Obi2002's buildings. Go to firefly's house and walk west; because that's the best way. Nice things over that way. There's a Target and a McDonald's and an Apple Store. Many other very nice player made areas scattered about. If a player went round to some of these areas he or she could see how the blocks fit together and how they built what they did. Sometimes you have to look really hard to see how they did that. It's more fun than reading a wiki. There was a period of about 2 weeks or maybe a month where about all I did was show people the cool buildings and things. I was beginning to feel like a tour guide. It was fun doing that.

# 6



7 năm trước

well ill try it coz im a builder too... i build crazy house buiding etc if i have the right materials in my hand hehehe come and visit my house someday

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