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What's the End Game...

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

What's the End Game for Angeldust before the tweaking begins? Or, what will the finished product look like before the tweaking begins? Will there be PvP along with the building? Will it be a game of building only? What will be reality and what is wishful thinking? While I can build all day long, that alone won't hold most player's interest. It'd be nice to know the direction that Angeldust is going...

# 2



7 năm trước

Firefly mentioned that he will add PvP into the game, but for now he wants to finish adding in whatever that may make things easier for new players and grab their first impression. Once he is satisfied he will start on the things that will hold the more veteran gamers' attention. But I think he is working on the PvP sec

# 3



7 năm trước

+1'ing seta on this: for now, I'm focusing on making the game more accessible and expansive for new players, but I will add new stuff to keep existing players occupied as well. Features just roll in as I keep developing. PvP is a big request that I want to add in the future, but I'm not entirely sure yet what form it'll take.

# 4


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

Thanks for the replies, setasorcerer and Firefly.

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