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Teleport thing..

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–8 của 8





7 năm trước

Is it possible to turnoff/disabled/block, the teleportaion n prevent other player in means our friends to teleport to us (in the future)?, cause sometimes we need some privacy , such as build our claimland,home or just want to explore alone, something like that. cause they always following you wherever u go sometimes its so annoying.

# 2



7 năm trước

Maybe you could tell them that you just want to hunt alone? I once teleported to obi while he was on a solo hunt, with intention to actually go on a group one. He asked and so i just when on a solo hunt as well. However, if your case is like they just won't leave you alone, then i sometimes would try to find out how their gaming time is like and i'll slot ur game time for privacy Sorry if my suggestion is a bit messed up

# 3



7 năm trước

It isn't a messed up suggestion. When I join the game it tells me how many friends are on; if there's only one or two it may seem rude of me not to go to them and say hello or see what they're up too. However, it isn't rude; after all if they want to talk to me they could teleport to me. What if I have 10 friends on; do I have to go round to all ten to say 'hi?' Of course not but it seems strange not to do. It may be these people don't really want to talk with you and that they don't really care what you're doing, but feel obligated to come say hello. They wouldn't mind you asking them nicely to buzz off. I do understand what you're saying. I claim a large tract of land and start digging it out and chopping trees out of the way. Over the next 2 or 3 hours I make fantastic progress, however no fewer than 10 people teleport in and I have to say 'hi' or completely ignore them. What about when they start drawing in monsters by mistake. If three or four people are building something at the same time, there's the potential for hundreds of people to teleport to them; surely at least a dozen or a half dozen people will show up and they aren't wanted. The potential for disaster is quite low but no good can come of them showing up where they really aren't wanted.

# 4


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

I do agree it would be a nice feature if you could have a private mode that you can turn on temporarily to stop your friends from teleporting to you For all intents and purposes you would appear offline to them if they check via the teleporter.

# 5


Mercy Parker

7 năm trước

Aoi Blue, I smiled while reading your message. First person I've seen not type "for all intensive purposes" ROFL. I am eternally happy as a grammar freak.

# 6


Mercy Parker

7 năm trước

Yeah its not a messed up suggestion. I often might be going through things personally and I build to escape and might not be in the mood to talk. I always feel bad when people tp and Im not all the way there, either preoccupied with building, or caught up in my head. I'd rather prevent being distant with people, I know there's a "Build Alone" option but I'm being greedy... I want the "building alone" aspect but still have access to my telecharger and my land claims lol.

# 7



7 năm trước

Maybe I'll change the subject from annoying to big surprise U want to so stop Ur friends from teleporting to u, until u r done with Ur stuff (project or anything to show) that will be great.

# 8



7 năm trước

Or be like me with only 3 active friends out of 5 lolz... Have all the privacy u can get...

Bưu kiện 1–8 của 8