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stop the deforestation

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–8 của 8





7 năm trước

Those pesky Mammoths are destroying our tree population, not to mention the globs of sand they throw. FireFly will the trees ever regrow (out in the wild)? Will the rain ever erode the clumps of sand back into the grass? Inquiring conservationists want to know.

# 2



7 năm trước

I bet if he wiped it; it would.

# 3


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

I REALLY want the ability to plant trees on my claims. However, I really recommend that terrain changes to unclaimed land, including deforestation should decay over time. Too many large mobs are destroying our trees. Not just mammoths, but also trolls and rhinos. This is not to mention all those enemies with that spit lava bombs.

# 4



7 năm trước

The rhinos can make the trees float. Perhaps a new creature type could go 'round and repair things on unclaimed lands randomly. A decay algorithm or whatever you called it before is a good idea. If firefly has to wipe the unclaimed lands he could add creatures and a decay thing which could in theory do it (delete blocks, fill in tunnels and eliminate and plant trees). Then if he decides wants or needs to do it in a fell swoop, he could blame it all on the new creatures and the natural decay. I'm sure he's going to do something eventually; it will be interesting to see how the situation continues to develop and how it's going to work out. I believe Firefly confirmed planting trees on claims is on The List of Stuff to Add or whatever he calls his list of stuff that he's going to add.

# 5


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

I prefer a simple "erosion type algorithm" to make it look more natural. The terrain slowly turns back to normal and trees slowly regrow until the game is left back at the original procedural generated terrain.

# 6



7 năm trước

I will undertake some major structural rewriting of the server side game world handling in the next weeks to allow for a bit more flexibility in dealing with these issues. Once I've got the groundwork down, I'll see what I can come up with to accommodate you all!

# 7



7 năm trước

Maybe a scheduled once a month world reset apart from the claims could work better ( like every 30 dayz a maintenance break that reset/ refresh the world ) .. I think it won't be a problem as online games get "server maintenance breaks"

# 8


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

Maybe, seeds can be sold in The Shop where we can grow the kind of trees we want... oak, elm, arborvitae, fur, pine, cherry, etc.

Bưu kiện 1–8 của 8