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How about some love for the grinder(s)?

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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7 năm trước

So I have some suggestions (changes to the game) to help the grinders... 1. Since mobs typically spawn in threes, how about a 100 coin bonus for killing all 3? (or some multi-kill bonus) 2. Trading death blows happens frequently to hunters that live on the edge (or flanked by those sneaky Moas) .. how about coins last just 5 more seconds so you can retrieve earned coins after exhaustion. (or perhaps allow collection during recovery) 3. Sometimes mobs will despawn just as you get to them ... frustration! What can a player do to prevent mobs from despawning?

# 2


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

Another thing for grinders is to give kill bonuses other than drops. It should be based on the difficulty of the enemy and be given to all players in range (for support bonus). This should be to encourage hunting in groups.

# 3



7 năm trước

Yeah Humm; maybe keep track of the kill streak. Make it pay 10% or something, so if my kill streak is 10 for every creature after that I get 1 extra gold, until 20 then I'd get 2 extra per creature. When the player dies their streak ends and is reset to 0. I don't think we'd be able to reset the kill streak when players logged out because then people would tend to sit AFK to keep the streak going. If someone got to 2000 they would get 200 extra gold per enemy. The payout could be capped to prevent this; on the other hand if someone kills 2000 creatures without dying themselves, maybe they deserve it. It could say on the website here who has the highest streak and when it was. Just a thought.

# 4



7 năm trước

It would be nice for us solo hunters to have a killstreak bonus

# 5



7 năm trước

I'll place the idea in the back of my mind and see when it'll pop out as a freshly baked new game mechanic :)

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