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Abandoning Claims.

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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Aeger Von Baeger

7 năm trước

I'm curious, is there a way to abandon a claim of yours at the moment? I couldn't find one, so I assume no, but I figured I'd ask. If not, I do think it would be a valuable function. Say you claim a nice scenic lot and plan to build a quaint little dwelling on it, and then BAM! a horrendous mega tower of spammed grass block is haphazardly constructed right next door by a newbie. Well, now that picturesque scene is a gone, and perhaps that little idea of yours is ruined. Well, on such an occasion it'd be nice to be able to abandon such plots to set up shop elsewhere. Of course, abandoning it alone seems pointless, but preferably this would include a refund for the plot. I do think such an idea requires a bit of a caution, though, as it could be easily abused if just thrown in. Preferably, the player would receive some of the gold back, but not all. Enough to keep them from thinking they were cheated, but certainly not enough that it encourages abuse. If a full refund was offered up, I can imagine players just snatching up some prime real estate to hold onto just in case they want to build there, or even worse to troll players that were looking to expand their holdings there, only to abandon it when they need the money or when they find another lot to snatch up. By having at least some penalty to abandoning a plot, it ensures that players aren't so reckless with their claims. Just some thoughts, I'd love if they were considered, but I'm also curious as to what you guys think. All that said, don't get me wrong, I do love the cooperative nature of this game and the cities are wonderful, but I do think some players prefer a little slice of the world for themselves to run wild.

# 2



7 năm trước

No, you can't (for now). I think that every choice has drawbacks. Some brain storming: If anybody can claim/unclaim without limits... trolling may happens, claiming/unclaiming around your claims. Another idea: with only one claim spot, you can modify all the world using claim/unclaim. I don't know what is the best solution here. I would prefer that all the world always open to build (like it was before claims), and using claims just to protect private/shared areas. But any option has pros and cons. I'm not sure what is the best solution. Perhaps unclaim option can be limited like this: if you dont't modify a claim for some time (for instance 10 days), only then unclaim option is enabled for that spot. Another question: if we have unclaim option, what happens to land modifications at that spot? They must stay or they must be rollback? I would say that land modifications can stay... but I'm not sure.

# 3


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

First, I think claims should require a certain minimum level to reduce noobie trolling. The other option is to raise the cost of the claim, increase the number of claims needed to be bought at once, to make the first claim more expensive and all additional claims dirt cheap. I recommend the last one. (something like 10,000 Coins for the first claim, but all additional claims are just 100 claims each.) This would reduce the ability of people to make abuse accounts. As of unclaim options. I think it should be allowed, but it should use real time mechanism. A claim has to be a month old in real time before it can be unclaimed. As a note, some people are making massive walls of dirt right now to build underground cities. If you can find their entrance you can see their WIP. Still you could simply ask them to make the edge terrain more natural if it's right next to your claim. Honestly I don't see why people insist on building right next to other people without discussing it. It's rude, honestly.

# 4


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

Aoi... as you know... I'm someone that has one of those huge walls..although, my goal is to make it a huge mountain, instead, and building underground. Someone actually told me that it would be alright for me to claim land right next to him/her, but I didn't do that because they (and I) would probably regret it later. Eventually, I'll be making a tunnel (or two), going through that huge wall/mountain, so it doesn't hinder players from getting on the other side of it.

# 5


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

Yes, you were one of the people I was specifically referring to when mentioning underground building projects. There are actually several people trying this sort of thing. Yours have to be the most unique, with their vast underground chambers. BTW, I can teach you how to make more climbable slopes if you like. I can also teach you to embed staircases into the sides of cliffs if you prefer that.

# 6


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

Aoi... I'm not sure how easily I want the mountain to be climbed, yet. I may want entrances on top where I want players to have a tough time getting to, or not be able to get to at all. I appreciate the offer, but I'm enjoying figuring things out. I've been mostly creating a clean canvas to work on (which is huge), and any ideas for the architecture is very fluid right now. Thanks.

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