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ATTN: Call for artwork 2!

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 27

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3 năm trước

Yes! Oh boy, read carefully! There is a *very slim* chance that I'm able to add a few new paintings and drawings to the game. I want to give you all another chance to have you artwork in the game, potentially. Expect nothing and you might get the world in return. What am I looking for? Original Angeldust-related artwork that must be: – your original work – not-infringing on other parties' (copy)rights – finished; no works-in-progress – related to the Angeldust game world and/or lore – at least 640 pixels long on the longest edge (the bigger, the better) Stylistically it must be: – a rectangular drawing or a painting that I can frame – drawn or painted (no 'hard CG' or screenshots) – broad in applicability (no 'personal' clan tags, colors, designs) At any time I will reserve the right to reject or not include any artwork without any given reason. Only participate in the call for artwork if you acknowledge the fact that I will at worst completely ignore your entry and at best include it in the game. That's a very broad spectrum of results. Be prepared for disappointment :D I will also completely mangle your work to make it fit into the game, so expect one or many of the following things to happen to your artwork to make it fit into the visual styles of Angeldust: – your artwork will be scaled – your artwork will be recolored – your artwork will be simplified – your artwork will be cropped – your signature (if any) will be removed And worst of all: your artwork may not even pass my very strict artistic judgement and/or the entire idea might not even make it to the game. Last formal thing: I'm only looking to (exclusively) license your work for reproduction in the Angeldust video game product and the Angeldust website. You will retain the full copyright over your work as well as being able to use it for making physical (merchandise) copies and prints. If your work becomes popular in the game, you could potentially retire in real life because of the sales you'd get. Or not :-) Anyway, I'm fully aware that this entire call for artwork is very difficult to contribute to given the constraints and conditions. Still I hope we can make something work. You can also pull in people outside of the Angeldust community, but we'll have to find a way to accredit their works to an Angeldust player name later on. Feel free to post follow-up questions in here. WIPs are welcome for feedback by others, but I won't comment on unfinished works since I can not guarantee inclusion into the game until the very last minute. The current submission deadline is Friday, May 28th 2021 at 22.00h UTC (I might push it back under rare circumstances). That's about two weeks from now. One second after that and I'm ignoring your submission. You can submit your stuff via a PM, via e-mail at and/or by posting here. Please mark any finished work as finished. If you've submitted stuff in the past (@Hummm, @StanIsDaMan) be sure to resubmit it here. I want to be transparent about the whole process so I won't dig through two years of stuff and miss potential existing works. Also, apologies for the formal and somewhat negative (realistic) tone of the opening post, but I want to make sure I'm very clear that zero works make it into the game except for those that do. If the feature gets implemented at all. It's all very iffy.

# 2



3 năm trước

Would you except a digital painting; not a screenshot?

# 3



3 năm trước

Forget I said that.

# 4



3 năm trước

Ya think I could enter my old drawing that I made last year? If so, that would be amazing!

# 5



3 năm trước

@Rob12: A digital painting or drawing would be fully acceptable as most of the current ones are like that. Even a somewhat lovingly crafted CG render would be good. I do want to exclude CG copy-paste jobs of graphical elements without much artistic merit. @StanIsDaMan: Entering something is completely free, so DO IT! :D Overall I can't stress enough that there is a huge chance this feature won't work out or that I just will not include some artwork(s) without giving any formal reasons. Feel free to send in cool stuff, but don't expect me to 100% totally for sure add anything at all.

# 6



3 năm trước

Well, could the painters paint the builders of wonders or drawings of wonders for the painting, I would like to be in a painting or a construction of mine, as Angelio and Ruan4k have their paintings😊

# 7



3 năm trước

@Leyenda, others: You can send in anything you like, but see the OP for the guidelines. If you don't send in anything on time, I'll never consider it for inclusion. So get creating and sending! If you have an old work I should consider, send it in again, so everyone has a level playing field!

# 8



3 năm trước

I finally finished my first art piece ! Enjoy ! More will come and it is possible that i post new versions of that art.

# 9



3 năm trước

@Angelio: Cool! By 'new versions of that art' do you mean I should ignore this one as it's a work in progress? That kinda contradicts 'finished' in the first sentence. I'm confused! Also @StanIsDaMan: I haven't received your piece again, please note that you need to send it in again for me to consider it. I tried to call this out during the livestream too.

# 10



3 năm trước

By that i mean for now i don't plan to improve it, but i think the right word would be "correct it" if i see mistakes, i would correct it and repost it.

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 27

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