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New Idea For AngelDust!

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–9 của 9





7 năm trước

I would like the community to make a response in the comments about this cleaver idea. Name Changes: Every 2-4 months their should be some kinda way to change your username on the website so that no one has to make new accounts. That away the website gets more activity from in-game players ever few months. LandScape: Make the level of terrain higher and water deeper so that future caves can be implemented. So that there can be swimming under water. That away he can add fish type creatures under water so it all isn't just land creatures. Groups/Factions/Clans: This is just something I wanted to add into the subject. This is my idea of how we can get this started and to get it ready for the later on future update of pvping. Players should look foward to grouping up with other users so that we can grow as a community. Yeah we got towns and such already, but I'm talking about groups that are active and can host events for their part of the community. YouTube: Also another idea is that people should try to contact YouTubers who has around 1k-5k subscribers to start things off in the community. So that there will be active daily content from them. Extra Idea: I know that FireFly has been working hard at developing ways to make things easier for new users who come to the community. Thats good and everything, but I think it's around that time he should be developing ideas into the game that wants to make users stay with the game and the community itself. Yes, he is working on new blocks and everything. "Still hasn't added my block pusher called a piston." I like the rate he is going, but in my perspective of some what being around here and there. @FireFly- "I think its time to develop things that make people want to stay around the community if they are new. You got most things down and if people need help they know about the forums or they can ask. That is why I'm suggesting you remove the in-active plots and move active online users closer together so that everyone will be closer together as a community." Ending: Anyways guys this is just some bad grammar working its way into the concept of helping out and giving out pointers. Let me know down below and I hope to get back in touch with everyone. Bye, -Sincerely Stold

# 2



7 năm trước

I MEGA ULTRA CHICKEN APPROVE THIS IDEA but let FireFly add the real stuff first that he's been planning

# 3



7 năm trước

I'm not in a rush, this is just ideas to help improve some things. Yeah I know he has things already in development. I'm talking about when he decides to take things up a step. These ideas could help :)

# 4



7 năm trước

Clans are difficult because it's hard to get people to play the game at scheduled times; and then once you manage to do that and have a group on at the same time, you'd need to get them to do what you want and try to get them all into a voice chat. Of course it isn't as simple as firefly just adding tags at the end of names for clans. Most of the rest has been mentioned before and I know some will make it into the game sometime; which brings us to the youtube point. Firefly says 'tell your friends, family, maybe your co-workers or fellow students.' He has said in the past that if you watch the youtube videos or read the reviews, they all say the same sort of thing. He has said that he wants to address some of these things that people keep mentioning. The game is 'in development' and Firefly has said that it 'isn't ready for prime time yet.' Last I heard he was asking that we not put it on full blast quite yet.

# 5



7 năm trước

I wanna give one idea that I'd really appreciate to make building more pleasant, something like be able to change your shovel size (instead of just digging 1 block, being able to dig for example, 16 with one click), something like bigger sized brushes, you know? Digging one by one is a lot of work!

# 6



7 năm trước

I'm not sure how I feel about that.

# 7


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

As long as you can adjust the shove back down to 1x1x1 having it able to do up to 4x4 square or 4x4x4 cube in one click would be nice.

# 8



7 năm trước

Hey i liked the idea and i m a youtuber not a great one (200+ subs).i wanted to do a series on angeldudt but im in a confusion should i make a new id or continue on my regular level 23 channels url is --- .It was not an advertising i just want answer to the question.And if u want to see a regular series of angeldust pls visit my channel.Hope someone reply.

# 9


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

I like the idea for adding a 4 block shovel, perhaps, being able to buy one from The Shop. I could have really used that shovel recently... even right now. I also like the idea of deeper water added.

Bưu kiện 1–9 của 9