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Some ideas for Builder

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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7 năm trước

For Builder: a copy/clone tool. It would help if you can point to a block and select that block (if you have it at inventory, of course). The quick bar at bottom is very helpful, but I think a clone tool build be a killer feature to builders. A clone tool would be quicker that select another block on quick-bar or inventory. It can be some kind of modifier over a current tool too. Another one for Builder: stick-on-axis. I don't know how to explain this. But in 3D modelers like Blender you can 'stick' your tool on some axis (X, Y, Z). When you are using stick-on-axis and you advance adding or removing blocks, the tool stays on the same axis. So you don't make mistakes. It will help to make rows, columns, walls, etc. It can works holding a key (good for keyboard... bad for mobile) or some kind of switch-mode on screen (good for all). And ultimate advanced feature for Builder: scripting. If you have some kind of scripting for macros... we can build even more amazing things. Scripting can be a DSL for Angeldust or something based on LUA/JavaScript or alike. If we can write macros (and export/import macros) for builders... it would be mind-blowing for building. I know. It can be hard for newbies. But take this like a feature for more experienced builders. Later, community can share scripting macros between users. With great power comes great responsibility, but this can be amazing. You could make macros for patterns, for repeating designs, for complex structures, and for a lot of other things. Just an idea. Lastly: the first thing I did when I started playing with Angeldust was building. I started building with others together. It was very fun. Later I engage on hunt. Now you need to claim... add a friend... allow your friend to work on *all* your stuff. I know the griefing problems from the past. But now, when I go to help new people, I found that nobody is building. Nobody can build. They can build on their house, but they can't build together. They just stays around, and they go to hunt a little, and they quit. We need some kind of easy-build-together earlier for newbies. The claims are cheaper and cheaper and that helps, but I think we are losting something on the way too. I'm not sure what is the best solution here. But I think that Angeldust may need some kind of boost to engage newbies into 'social building'

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