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Sir Donate here...

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Sir Donate

2 năm trước

Hey y'all, its me, Sir Donate. I'm sure most if not all of you don't remember me, but I'm still alive and I still exist! I may come back here one day if I get a new phone, some time ago my brother spilled some pop on my phone and it fried, so uh... You know. No phone. BUT, I'll probably get one soon, so I'll be able to play again, FINALLY! Anyways, onto smaller news... My life is now full of drama and hell and I'll probably come later than expected, of course. I hope you all are well in life and happy, unlike me. Best wishes, SD, peace out.

# 2



2 năm trước

Hey Sir! Hope you're able to work out the drama, and we'll gladly see you in-game when your phone is back to operational capacity. Try to enjoy the weekend!

# 3



2 năm trước

miss you bud

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