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Quests Like This are a Buzz Kill

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 13

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2 năm trước

It just stops being fun two hours into a quest where the creature has such low spawn probability. Most players find this dull. I do the quest each day. These brown moas and the weekend weedler quest are killing it for me. If I miss one because it is simply taking too long to find them, I am done. I mean.... done. Flying over and over and over and over the same terrain looking for a needle in a haystack is just no joy. I strongly urge you to rethink this. This is not a "challenge" it is a chore. Creatures that are a challenge to kill, that is fun. Looking for hours on end for some low probability spawn rate creature that looks like every other creature except for some subtle color difference.... just not fun. Not trying to be "toxic" or whatever term is being thrown around these days when criticism is unwelcome... but this is getting old.

# 2


Dust kidd

2 năm trước

I agree with you coltswalker.. This quest is very difficult to find. I haven't even killed one

# 3



2 năm trước suppose to be hard...i get what are you saying colts but its worth it even if u cannot done the quest by today you can done it each day with diff quest infact u can trade those questpoints for exclusive creatures...and don't expect quest is going to be easy i know its hard going grinding for 2 hours but just don't try to make this problem into a Big Problem...And keep in mind Only Firefly Make this game in the firstplace its hard for firefly to update the game by himself so...stop trying to force firefly to fix everything that people list...Thats it.

# 4



2 năm trước

Your frustration is a totally natural and understandable reaction to what you depict @ColtsWalker. I'm too bad at the game to even attempt doing quests structurally, so I haven't felt this the same way. I'd like to ask other structural questers to chime in with their experiences. Do you recognize ColtsWalker's story? Have you found ways and tricks to work around the random nature of the quest? Care to share? A big cop out—that I don't really want to go in to—is that the quest is optional and that doing the quest means accepting the risk of having to find the quest creature. There's a balance to find between risk and frustration here, so any additional comments are welcome.

# 5



2 năm trước

When I used to do quests, I had a simple but effective trick for weekend quests: skip. :)

# 6



2 năm trước

I completely understand and share the same opinion as ColtsWalker. As soon as i had the mammoth i couldn't keep questing (because like stuff ofc first of all), even when i had time where i could totaly quest, well i didn't. Personaly, in my opinion (i insist on that...) For me, a quest is for example a dungeon (dark style or even heaven style) with traps to prevent falling on, mobs to fight, puzzle to solve and a Real boss fight with a very VERY unique fight style (diffrent from each boss) and mutiple cool ways to defeat it, something like the Hydra but without that boring 30 minutes of spamming our weapons (except for the builder). I kind of imagine those bosses like trolls but with a knight armor, i'll try to draw a concept art to show you the idea as soon as i can. A dungeon like a describe could actually be build by players. But ofc what i as a player would personaly want is dungeons already made by the game and not having to build it to have fun, i think having to build wonders is already far enough. What i will suggest is very ambitious. There would be a diffrent world like the void, that world would be like a giant room with multiple gates leading to diffrent theme dungeons (hell, heaven, fantasy, steampunk, modern, etc...) Everyday, you would be sended to a specific theme dunegon all the same for everyone, and so you would go to the corresponding gate and have fun with friends. To prevent from repetitive maps, rooms orders(traps, monsters, puzzles) would often change except for the final boss, and perhaps even change directions you go (left, right, up, down through stairs). I could go on but ngl, i'm quite tired while writting this. It wouldn't be a suprise if the idea is a "no" for multiple obvious reasons (maybe you won't even understand the idea :P), but if somehow you find it interresting, then i could consider talking more about it and perhaps even draw how i imagine it.

# 7



2 năm trước

@ Obi, spot on! My view is that you either commit to doing the quest each day or you don't. If you play any other games, like those on Facebook etc. They are all the same you must commit to do the quest each day and you don't expect them to be easy. Also now that Firefly has added the number of kills per person for each type of creature it adds another layer to the quests because you can try to beat everyone else at one specific creature or even all of them if you so choose. But I don't see why the quests need to be altered in any way since they have been the same for years and sometimes you love it and some times you hate it. It is what it is. @ Angelio I also have the Mammoth as a reward, but I still don't have all of the reward creatures so that gives people another possible goal, to unlock all of the reward creatures. There is enough there to keep people questing for years. I refuse to give away any hints and tips I have, because I think people should think for themselves and actually earn their rewards.

# 8



2 năm trước

@Angelio: I'm afraid your quest for gameplay depth isn't something you're going to find in Angeldust soon. Try the Dark Souls lineage of games for unique boss fights, and there's The Other Game™ Dungeons if you want to see what a multibillion franchise can do with a dungeon theme. Note that having 'a boss' with a 'unique' fight style kinda defeats the purpose as it's the same stuff after you've killed it once. Which is the reason it's hard to make 'unique' content. Maybe World of Warcraft satisfies your need for both more diverse quests and boss battles at the same time? @obi- valid point, though it's my cop out. You can skip quests altogether, though that removes one source of "fun" from the overall gameplay experience. @Rob12: balanced take. Don't worry about not sharing your tips, everyone's free to play their own way. Though it does make me wonder what strategies one could employ to ease the quest. @ColtsWalker: care to share some of the tricks you already employ for questing? Maybe we can brainstorm improvements to your approach and solve your problem that way.

# 9



2 năm trước

@Coltswalker, sorry bro, too busy looking for the weekend quest creature to reply earlier... As the only player that's completed every single quest (including pre-reset), I totally feel your pain. But I tend to lean w/ the other poster's ... quests are optional. I have a slightly different approach than Rob12 (which he's perfectly legit to hold his secrets tightly) ... I won't post tips in the forums, but if you chat me (GM) in-game, I will not only give you tips, I (might) help you find them.

# 10



2 năm trước

btw, in 2 days we hit 1000 (total)

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