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ATTN: Call for artwork 3!

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 38

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2 năm trước

Awkward timing shortly after the livestream, but here we go… There is a SUPER SUPER TINY chance that once more I might be able to add a few more drawings and paintings to Angeldust. Want to have a moonshot at getting your artwork in the game? Then let me know here ASAP before starting. Deadline would be March 13th, so just a slim two weeks. Depending on the enthusiasm level of everyone I'll try to increase the chances of this happening. Please report and announce on Discord and other places!

# 2



2 năm trước

re-posted on Discord...

# 3


Loki The Witful

2 năm trước

Really!!! I will start on making some masterpieces, and I can’t wait to send then in!!!

# 4



2 năm trước

Me want to reproduce some art

# 5



2 năm trước

I would be interested in giving it a go again!

# 6



2 năm trước

Hey all, thanks for sharing your interest—let's go! Be advised that there is a REALISTIC CHANCE that I can not add new artwork to the game anymore, but I'll do my very best to make it happen. Initial deadline for submissions will be Sunday March 13th, 2022 at midnight UTC. If possible, send in your final art or a work-in-progress before the livestream that weekend so I can publicly document all entries. At least one player asked what the official color palette for Angeldust is. Good question. Don't worry about it much, concentrate on making something beautiful and Angeldust-y. I'll take care of coloring and stylistic issues to make things look great and consistent in-game. There's also a 'legal disclaimer' that I'll copy-paste from the previous thread, please read it once more in full to make sure we're on the same page. Here it is. What am I looking for? Original Angeldust-related artwork that must be: – your original work – not-infringing on other parties' (copy)rights – finished; no works-in-progress – related to the Angeldust game world and/or lore – at least 640 pixels long on the longest edge (the bigger, the better) Stylistically it must be: – a rectangular drawing or a painting that I can frame – drawn or painted (no 'hard CG' or screenshots) – broad in applicability (no 'personal' clan tags, colors, designs) At any time I will reserve the right to reject or not include any artwork without any given reason. Only participate in the call for artwork if you acknowledge the fact that I will at worst completely ignore your entry and at best include it in the game. That's a very broad spectrum of results. Be prepared for disappointment :D I will also completely mangle your work to make it fit into the game, so expect one or many of the following things to happen to your artwork to make it fit into the visual styles of Angeldust: – your artwork will be scaled – your artwork will be recolored – your artwork will be simplified – your artwork will be cropped – your signature (if any) will be removed And worst of all: your artwork may not even pass my very strict artistic judgement and/or the entire idea might not even make it to the game. Last formal thing: I'm only looking to (exclusively) license your work for reproduction in the Angeldust video game product and the Angeldust website. You will retain the full copyright over your work as well as being able to use it for making physical (merchandise) copies and prints. If your work becomes popular in the game, you could potentially retire in real life because of the sales you'd get. Or not :-)

# 7



2 năm trước

Man i miss alot of this :( ;(

# 8



2 năm trước

First artwork incoming !! Enjoy :-)

# 9



2 năm trước

@Angelio, thanks—great work! :D I wouldn't recommend hopping onto roamers in the game, but it's really cute!

# 10



2 năm trước

It's rally cool !

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 38

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