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Monthly coin leaderboard

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 22

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# 11



2 năm trước

those times I listed are UTC ... is there any other TZ??

# 12



2 năm trước

I mean that I developed and rolled out the feature during UTC-ish office hours, so the timing of when it started tracking coins for 'this month' is somewhat random.

# 13



2 năm trước

We are 3 days in and the "top" score is 60K ... I made a new account (that you banned from the LB as an alt) that made 60k in 20 minutes. (I could have made 100k given another 30 minutes, and I would have the next day had you not banned it) My suggestion is that you not include any bonus money (discoveries, daily PT, Wonder exploring, etc) in the number used for the LB. Otherwize, this list is nothing more than the newbie LB that old accounts can participate in. (but at a MAJOR disadvantage)

# 14



2 năm trước

I'm observing the leaderboard to see how well it mixes new and old players. The current "month" is somewhat of a farce, I wouldn't worry about it much. You indicate having 100K+ coins this month before it started counting, so you'd be at the very top of the leaderboard under normal conditions. My prediction for April is that new players will be near the top for a few days and then old players will surpass all of them because of playing more often. Hiding secondary accounts that bloat the leaderboards has been my policy for some months now and I continue to moderate these as I received a lot of positive feedback on it. Let me know if you think I missed any, so far I found just a few.

# 15



2 năm trước

I'd like to see it (the monthly LB) with alts back in... I highly suspect next month will include a rash of new alts, as people discover farming coins once your total is over 300k is a grindfest.

# 16



2 năm trước

So far I've been vigilant in removing alts from the 'Month' leaderboard, which is why I asked for tips if you think I missed any. I try to regularly browse the leaderboards and investigate suspiciously quickly rising stars. I think the first 10 pages of most boards are pretty clean currently. I think the leaderboard shows that it is somewhat grindable even with a twenty-day starting delay. @Dust kidd, @SodaMeow and @Hummm (you) are all on or near the first page. With the 100K you're missing you'd be super-first place already. April will be the real test to see the balance between new and old accounts. It'll reset somewhere near midnight UTC without any bells or whistles. The leaderboard is entirely optional and like other leaderboards doesn't (yet) give any reward or specific recognition. Compete at your own risk :D

# 17


Dust kidd

2 năm trước

I don't think I will be able to play from next month because of my schooling and stuffs.I will miss a lot from next month

# 18



2 năm trước

Quick reminder—today is the last day of Angeldust Season Zero. Somewhere around midnight UTC the Month leaderboard will reset and we'll officially enter Angeldust Season 1. There is still nothing big on the line, but I might post monthly updates to share the recorded top-X accounts just for fun. A future extension might be to list the seasonal rankings on player profiles. It's not something I want to add currently, but who knows what happens.

# 19



2 năm trước

Angeldust having a Battlepass conferm??? 💀

# 20



2 năm trước

Well, I've been battling to get the monthly-seasonal leaderboard to work if that counts! :D I really hope it transitions smoothly in about eight hours, otherwise I'll have to pick up the pieces tomorrow.

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 22

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