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Small request

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–6 của 6





2 năm trước

Hello Firefly and team of Angeldust. We are from Ukraine. My husband (Лембас - Lembas) and I love your game very much! During the war, they began to spend even more time here, because we need to distract ourselves from what is happening in the country. This is all very difficult morally, and without you we would not have coped. I think that now I will voice the request of all Ukrainian players in Angeldust. Almost all Ukrainian players set the Russian flag (language) and there were no problems with this before the full-scale invasion. Now it is unpleasant for Ukrainians to appear with the flag of the country of the aggressor. It's not nice to even see him. On streams, these flags are displayed next to the name during streams. Please, if possible, add the flag (language) of Ukraine to the opening menu. This is a small request, I do not hope that everything will be done quickly, and I just hope that they will understand us, that there will be at least some response to this request. If there is a difficulty to integrate the Ukrainian language. To make the task easier, you can make a temporary solution Ukrainian flag + Russian language or Ukrainian flag + English language. If adding the Ukrainian language to Angeldust is not so difficult, it would be great to add it, we will rejoice at the phrases of the heroes in their native language! With love to the Angeldust team, Jeremy Darkling and Lembas. We appreciate everything you do.

# 2



2 năm trước

Caveat: I'm not a dev; and I can't speak for FF. But I think I can speak as a knowledgeable 3rd party observer. Adding a new language is a large task, with ~1500 phrases that need to be accounted for. I wouldn't think adding a flag would be difficult, but I don't know. The perception is that most of the World stands with Ukraine and hopes you successfully defend the sovereignty of your country. It's also wonderful to hear that at least in some parts of Ukraine you even have the ability to escape from the realities of the horrors of war. It's also cool that AD is a part of that. I would also applaud efforts from FF to support the morale of the Ukrainian players by letting them wear their flag. It does come with a word of warning, it could identify you as target for undesired attack, possibly even in real life; which would be really bad. Either way, very nice to hear from you. May peace come quickly to you.

# 3



2 năm trước

In short: I'm afraid that I can not accommodate your request quickly nor easily. With that out of the way, I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts and concerns on my game. It opens the way for others to chime in and share their thoughts on the issue, which @Hummm has already done at the moment of writing. The following will be an objective, factual assessment from my side. I'm sorry for the situation you're in, and you have my personal sympathy, empathy and best wishes that your circumstances will improve shortly. For Angeldust however I'm governed by more than my feelings. Technically I can not add a flag without releasing an update on all app stores where Angeldust is available. I can not do so at the moment because a digital code signing certificate has expired. This is fixable with money, but I haven't planned another client update until later in the year and I want to spend my money wisely as it's a finite resource. Design-wise I do not want to add a flag without actually adding a translation for the language itself. Player flags in Angeldust depict spoken languages, not countries. Over the years tons of players have requested in-game flags for their countries and I've learned that there is room for improvement, but I'll stick with the original design until I have a better solution. Politically I want (Angeldust) to be as neutral as possible. Last livestream I commented that I want everyone to feel welcome, even players from both sides of an ongoing military conflict. I'll respect every player's personal decision for not playing Angeldust, or avoiding parts of the game. Angeldust is what it is, without political intentions or ambitions. However—while writing I thought up a soft solution: a checkbox for hiding your flag under 'account details', just like you can hide/select your in-game badge. I think I can add that without having to release a client update. Would this be a solution? (Note that you would still see the Russian flag on the sign-in screen as the game will still display which language you're using.)

# 4



2 năm trước

Firefly, thank you very much for taking the time to answer, we didn't expect a quick answer, much less a quick resolution of the issue, we were ready for a negative answer.. Forgive me our request, it seemed to us that it would take less resources of time, effort and money. Now I understand that this is not a small request at all :) I fully agree that Angeldust should not be connected with politics in any way, the players come here to relax. Your explanation is clear to me. If it doesn't take a lot of time and resources, it would help, but we can also continue to play with American flags, as we are doing now, because this issue is not extremely urgent and important. Thank you, Firefly, and Hummm for your time. Thank you, we also hope for a speedy resolution of the situation and the resumption of normal life. P.S. in the future, we are ready to help fully translate the content into Ukrainian.

# 5



2 năm trước

That's a nice house you have JeremyDarkling ! :D

# 6



2 năm trước

Angelio. thank you. I like your

Bưu kiện 1–6 của 6