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May 20/21/22: no livestream

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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2 năm trước

Next week—the weekend of 20/21/22 May—I will most likely not stream as I have several fun, real-life activities planned. This includes a visit the the Counter-Strike (CS:GO) PGL Major in Antwerp, an event I've always wanted to attend, but never got around to. To make sure new players can get a pet snack, you are free to request one here during the period of May 15th–22nd 2022. I'll do my best to hand them out asynchronously. Note that I will be streaming as usual in the current week on Saturday, May 14th 2022.

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2 năm trước

That sure sounds like fun Firefly! Glad to see you have a life ;D I will post if anyone needs a pet snack during those dates. I wish I could

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2 năm trước

time to fly to the dutchlands for an angeldust csgo meetup

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Loki The Witful

2 năm trước

Sounds cool Firefly I hope you have a blast!!!

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2 năm trước

@firefly - I got good news, I can take care of everything for you while you are having fun outside of AD. I shall continue the hunt on the day. We will hunt for hours and hours and hours until we reach 512 and kill everything. It be the epic of the epic! Super epic! Anyone interested? I can hand out imaginary pet snacks make everyone feel happy for a while until you come back! I got a team of assistant like @FNATICO4, @dapenk, @Lembas, @JeremyDarkling & of course @Glico the quest master. (I have not asked the guys yet) but it will be all under control! :D

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2 năm trước

@SodaMeow: I appreciate your enthusiasm. Not sure if many new players will show up for a non-livestream hunt, so maybe this topic can also serve as a place to show interest. So all new players: let @SodaMeow know here if you want to hunt with their party next weekend! :D Somehow I don't expect many replies here :-)

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2 năm trước

everyone in Angeldust be like

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2 năm trước

It can't hurt for trying! I'll be there no matter what! :D =^_^= Meow!

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2 năm trước

I think it's impossible to have many answers here anyway, because most new players don't know about the Angeldust forum.They just visit the game and visit the play together mode if they see the names of the moderators and the creator of the game online. I didn't know about the forum and Firefly meetings for four mounths from the start our game. Lembas and I, and our new friend @rainyti will definitely be present to support our commander SodaMeow) I hope the google translator translated my thoughts on this matter well enough and I apologize for any mistakes

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2 năm trước

@JeremyDarkling: Over the years I tried my best to promote the Angeldust community from within the game. At times it felt like I was really going overboard, adding a 'website' and social media buttons to the sign-in screen, as well as heavily pushing the website, Discord server and leaderboards in the new player hint screens. Apparently there's still room for improvement there, I'll keep it in mind for future updates.

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